Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) by Elsie Silver



Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1)

In the charming setting of Rose Hill, Elsie Silver unveils an enthralling narrative of love, longing, and self-discovery in her debut novel “Wild Love,” the inaugural volume of the Rose Hill series. Set amidst the tranquil beauty of a quaint small town, the story follows the enigmatic billionaire Ford Grant as he embarks on a journey of …
Read full review and best quotes below

Meet The Author

"He reminds me of a solar eclipse—and I know you’re not supposed to look at those. It’s dangerous."

Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) by Elsie Silver Fact Summary & Study Guide

Click read full review below to jump straight to the review, or first browse through the questions people are generally asking about Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1).

What is Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) about?

Wild Love unfolds in the picturesque town of Rose Hill, where billionaire Ford Grant seeks solace from the media frenzy by establishing a recording studio. However, his plans are disrupted when he encounters Rosie Belmont, his best friend’s sister, who ignites a forbidden desire within him.

As Ford navigates the complexities of single parenthood after a young girl claims to be his daughter, he finds himself drawn to Rosie’s spirited charm, sparking a passionate romance amidst the tranquil beauty of Rose Hill. Yet, their love is fraught with challenges and uncertainties, testing their resolve and reshaping their destinies against the backdrop of a timeless romance.

What is the book release date of Wild Love?

First published April 9, 2024 by Piatkus

What genre is Wild Love?

Romance, Contemporary Romance, Adult Fiction

What is the page count or word count of Wild Love?

402 pages, Kindle Edition

Is Wild Love a sequel, a prequel or a stand alone?

Wild Love is the first book of the Rose Hill series.

Who are the main characters in Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1)?

It is the love story of billionaire Ford Grant and Rosie Belmont, his best friend’s sister.

What is the story setting or location of Wild Love?

Town of Rose Hill.

Is there a way to read Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) online?

The book is still a new release so it will be hard to find a way to read it online, but there is a way to get it free. Click the button below to get one full month free reading/listening to this book (or literally any new book published this year). You will get unlimited free access to 180,000+ titles for a whole month, and then you can decide to either opt out or stick around if you find it useful.

Is parental discretion advised for Wild Love?

What is meant by parental discretion advised? Means children 13 plus could watch the video or movie but ask their parents when they have any doubts about the content. Wild Love is Adult Fiction, so yes parental discretion is advised here.

Is Wild Love spicy?

Yes it is a spicy small town romance where the spice is worthy of an Elsie Silver book,.so you can expect Spice/Steam/Heat level: 4/5.

Should I read Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1)?

If you love Elsie Silver’s storytelling you should see this is as the perfect start to what will be an incredible series, so yes you should read Wild Love.

How does Wild Love end?

This is a spoiler question. See below.

Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) Spoilers

Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) by Elsie Silver Book Summary & Synopsis

The kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend’s little sister and knowing you can’t have her.
Forbes may have labeled Ford Grant the World’s Hottest Billionaire, but all he cares about is escaping the press and opening a recording studio in gorgeous small town Rose Hill. Something that comes to a screeching halt when he ends up face-to-face with a young girl who claims he’s her biological father. Now, he spends his days balancing business with parenting a sullen twelve-year-old, all while trying desperately to keep his hands the hell off his best friend’s sister, Rosie Belmont.
After living in the city, Rosie came blasting back into town like a storm. Beautiful, messy, and chaotic. And one wide-eyed, desperate plea for a job is all it takes for Ford to hire her. He vows to keep her at arm’s length. Tries to stick to scowls and grumpy one-liners. But with her, verbal sparring is a type of foreplay―friction that soon turns to blistering heat.
Ford knows damn well he shouldn’t cross this line. But shouldn’t and can’t are two very different things.
And the only thing he truly can’t do is resist her.
Source: www.goodreads.com

A BooksWyz Review

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Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) by Elsie Silver

Format:      402 pages, Kindle Edition

Published:  April 9, 2024 by Piatkus

ISBN:         9780349441627 (ISBN10: 0349441626)

Language:  English

Depths of Desire

In the enchanting world of Rose Hill, Elsie Silver unveils a captivating tale of love, longing, and self-discovery in her novel “Wild Love,” the inaugural installment of the Rose Hill series. Set against the picturesque backdrop of a quaint small town, the story follows the enigmatic billionaire Ford Grant as he embarks on a journey of self-reflection and romance amidst the tranquility of his childhood haven. 

Renowned as the World’s Hottest Billionaire by Forbes, Ford seeks refuge from the relentless media scrutiny by retreating to the serene confines of Rose Hill, where he plans to establish a recording studio and pursue his passion for music. Little does he know that his plans for solitude will be upended when fate reunites him with Rosie Belmont, the spirited younger sister of his best friend.

Ford’s return to Rose Hill marks the beginning of an unexpected chapter in his life, fraught with challenges and undeniable attractions. As he grapples with the demands of single parenthood after a young girl claims to be his daughter, Ford finds himself drawn to Rosie in ways he never imagined. Despite his attempts to maintain a facade of indifference, 

Rosie’s magnetic presence ignites a spark within him, unraveling emotions he thought long buried. Their interactions crackle with tension and chemistry, as verbal sparring gives way to a burgeoning desire that neither can deny.

Rosie, with her vivacious charm and unbridled spirit, proves to be a formidable match for Ford’s reserved demeanor. Her sudden return to Rose Hill, like a tempestuous storm, disrupts the tranquility of Ford’s carefully constructed world, leaving him both intrigued and unsettled. Yet, beneath her fiery exterior lies a vulnerability that Ford cannot ignore, drawing him deeper into the irresistible allure of forbidden love.

As their relationship evolves amidst the scenic beauty of Rose Hill, Ford and Rosie navigate a tumultuous journey fraught with obstacles and uncertainties. From their initial encounters brimming with tension to the tender moments of connection that bind them together, each interaction between Ford and Rosie is imbued with raw emotion and unspoken longing. Theirs is a love story that defies convention and challenges the boundaries of desire, weaving a tapestry of passion and yearning against the backdrop of a charming small town.

Amidst the blossoming romance, Elsie Silver masterfully explores themes of family, friendship, and self-discovery, infusing depth and nuance into her characters’ journeys. Ford’s struggle to reconcile his responsibilities as a parent with his burgeoning feelings for Rosie offers a poignant exploration of love and sacrifice, while Rosie’s quest for identity and independence resonates with authenticity and vulnerability.

In “Wild Love,” Elsie Silver invites readers on an unforgettable odyssey into the heart of desire, where love blooms amidst the tranquil beauty of Rose Hill and passions ignite against the backdrop of a timeless romance. With its richly drawn characters, evocative prose, and spellbinding narrative, “Wild Love” captivates the imagination and leaves an indelible mark on the soul, promising an enchanting escape into the realms of love, longing, and self-discovery.



Wild Love (Rose Hill, #1) Quotes

“Hear this, Rosie. You are worth every penny. Every fortune. Every investment. Every risk. You are priceless to me.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Because as much as I don’t need a knight in shining armor to defend my honor, I’m relieved I have one who feels compelled to do so.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I want a wild love….I want this feeling I have with you where it hurts to breathe when you get too far away, where my skin itches uncontrollably when you look at me. Where thinking feels overrated because we both know nothing and no one will ever feel like this. Like us.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Because Rosie might think she knows what our secret is, but mine is that I loved sitting on that dock with her even back then.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I spent a lot of time wondering why the boys in my life never felt an inclination to stand up for me, and now I’m face-to-face with a man who’s made it his mission to do it. Even in the throes of passionate argument he makes me feel more secure than I ever have before.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“And I’m so tired, Ford. I’m so fucking tired.” His stubble prickles at my scalp as he presses a kiss to my hair and nuzzles his cheek on the top of my head. “Just rest for a minute then, Rosie. I got you.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“He looks at her like she terrifies him. And she looks at him with stars in her eyes. But they’re both too alike to say a single word to each other. It’s adorable.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I wasn’t lying when I said I don’t care if random people think I’m a dick. But Rosie Belmont isn’t random people.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“We’re not enemies, Rosalie.” “Things might be a lot simpler if we were.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“If I could build you a boyfriend like a Build-A-Bear, he would come out as Ford Grant.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“But my attachment to this area is more than just that. I’m drawn back to this place on a much deeper level. To the memories it holds.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“…when you love someone, and you share the mistakes they’ve made with people who don’t love them the way you do, you can’t expect those same people to forgive them the way you do either.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Plus, I’m allowed to rag on you, but I don’t really like it when other people do it.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Remember the part where you just told me I couldn’t say no?” I nod. “Still expected you to be a dick and do it anyway.” His lips tip up and he shakes his head as he turns and moves away from me. “Rosalie, when have I ever said no to you?” And I just stand here, stunned. I need a ride home from this party. I want to be alone. I need a job. Because try as I might, no matter how big of a dick he’s been, I can’t come up with a single instance of Ford ever telling me anything other than okay.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I’m the sunshine to your grumpy.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Stan, if I wanted you to touch me, I would tell you.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I miss my dad every day,” she whispers against my shoulder. “But I’m so glad I have you now.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Blazers and high heels all day, then this at night. I think what I find appealing about the dichotomy is she clearly just wears what she wants—what she feels like—and looks good in it all.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I told myself I was going to stay the hell away from you. But here I am, making you spread your legs for me on my desk and dreaming about fucking you senseless.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Tell me to stop, Rosie.” “Please don’t stop, Ford,”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“My voice cracks on impossible, and with that, we both know that I don’t hate Ford at all. In fact, it might just be the opposite. CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO FORD Hating you is downright impossible.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Rosie Belmont took off to start her life ten years ago and has barely been back. It crushed me then when she left. I don’t even want to think about what it might do to me now.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Don’t even open your mouth to argue with me about this, or I’ll shove something in it to keep you busy.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“you can take the girl out of the small town, but you can’t take the small town out of the girl.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“That journal entry is fascinating, but all wrong. I was at home when you called that night. And I broke every speed limit to get to you.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I thought you were just talking a big game.” His head tilts in that signature Ford way, making heat pool low in my body. “That’s the problem, Rosie. You’ve spent too much time around men who talk a big game but don’t possess the will to follow through.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“Ford. All this because… You can’t… you can’t spend that kind of money on me! You can’t spend that kind of money on playing games, period. It’s irresponsible. I’m not worth—” I scream at him only to cover for how nauseous I am over the thought of all those zeroes. “You are worth every fucking penny!” he shouts, arms flung wide. “I’m careful with my money. I’m downright philanthropic. But this? This isn’t a game. I’m in love with you. This is pocket change compared to what I’d be happy to spend on you. There is no price too high to watch this asshole pay for every moment of misery and self-doubt he caused you.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“when I gave him my résumé, he scrutinized it thoroughly. Brows drawn low, red pen in hand as he tapped it against his lips. I watched him from my desk. Okay, I glared at him from my desk. Then he literally wrote “HIRED” on the top, walked over to me, and dropped it on my desk with an obnoxious smirk.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“I can’t remember the flavor. I was constantly applying that garbage,” she muses, fingers tracing again as a shiver races down my spine. I don’t even need to think about it. I know. I will never forget. “Watermelon.”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love


“World’s Hottest Billionaire.” “I hate you.” “Nah. You love me. I’m the sunshine to your grumpy.” My brows pinch together. “What?” “It’s a thing in romance books⁠—”

― Elsie Silver, Wild Love

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