The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden



The Warm Hands of Ghosts

“The Warm Hands of Ghosts” delves into the interconnected lives of the residents inhabiting a rugged landscape within a secluded village, nestled beneath towering mountains. Here, amidst the intricate dance of existence, the novel navigates the intricate nuances of a world where the …
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Meet The Author

"Magic is forgetting that something ever was other than as you willed it."

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden Book Summary & Synopsis

January 1918. Laura Iven was a revered field nurse until  she was wounded and discharged from the medical corps,  leaving behind a brother still fighting in Flanders. Now  home in Halifax, Canada, she receives word of Freddie’s  death in combat, along with his personal effects—but  something doesn’t make sense. Determined to uncover  the truth, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a  private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers  about haunted trenches, and a strange hotelier whose  wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could Freddie  have escaped the battlefield, only to fall prey to  something—or someone—else?  
November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion  to find himself trapped in an overturned pillbox with a  wounded enemy soldier, a German by the name of Hans  Winter. Against all odds, the two men form an alliance and  succeed in clawing their way out. Unable to bear the thought  of returning to the killing fields, especially on opposite sides,  they take refuge with a mysterious man who seems to have  the power to make the hellscape of the trenches disappear. 
As shells rain down on Flanders, and ghosts move among  those yet living, Laura’s and Freddie’s deepest traumas are  reawakened. Now they must decide whether their world is  worth salvaging—or better left behind entirely. 


A BooksWyz Review

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden

Format:      325 pages, Hardcover

Published:  February 13, 2024 by Del Rey

ISBN:         9780593128251 (ISBN10: 0593128257)

Language:  English

A Tapestry of Ethereal Affairs

Katherine Arden’s “The Warm Hands of Ghosts” beckons readers into a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead is blurred, and where the threads of human connection weave a tapestry of haunting beauty. In this latest offering from the author of the beloved Winternight Trilogy, Arden enchants with her lyrical prose, richly drawn characters, and evocative exploration of love, loss, and redemption.

Set amidst the rugged landscape of a remote village nestled in the shadow of towering mountains, “The Warm Hands of Ghosts” follows the intertwined lives of its inhabitants as they navigate the complexities of existence in a world where the spectral realm intersects with the mundane. At the center of it all is our protagonist, a young woman with the uncanny ability to commune with the spirits of the departed—a gift that both isolates her from the living and binds her to the ethereal realm. 

Arden’s characterizations are rich and multifaceted, with each character emerging from the page as a fully realized individual with their own hopes, fears, and desires. From the enigmatic protagonist to the ghostly figures that populate her world, every character is imbued with a sense of humanity that lends depth and nuance to their interactions.

Through its exploration of themes such as grief, guilt, and the search for belonging, “The Warm Hands of Ghosts” offers readers a poignant meditation on the human condition. Arden’s prose is atmospheric and immersive, capturing the eerie beauty of the village and the haunting presence of its spectral inhabitants with vivid detail.

But it is in its portrayal of love and connection that the novel truly shines. As the protagonist navigates the tangled web of her relationships—with the living and the dead alike—she is forced to confront the depth of her own longing and the complexity of her own heart. Arden’s depiction of love in all its forms is both tender and heartbreaking, reminding us of the transformative power of human connection even in the face of life’s most daunting challenges.

The pacing of the novel is deliberate and unhurried, allowing readers to savor each moment as the mysteries of the village—and the secrets of its spectral inhabitants—are slowly unveiled. Each page is infused with a sense of anticipation and wonder, drawing readers deeper into the atmospheric world Arden has created.

“The Warm Hands of Ghosts” is a spellbinding tale that lingers in the mind long after the final page has been turned. With its compelling characters, atmospheric prose, and evocative exploration of love, loss, and redemption, Katherine Arden has crafted a story that is both hauntingly beautiful and profoundly moving—a testament to the enduring power of human connection in the face of life’s most profound mysteries.


The Warm Hands of Ghosts Quotes

“We were born together, we died together. I cannot live  without you.” 

― Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts   


“Armageddon was a fire in the harbor, a box delivered on a  cold day. It wasn’t one great tragedy, but ten million tiny  ones, and everyone faced theirs alone.” 

― Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts   


“But she had no armor at all, she realized suddenly, against  his precise, undemanding fingers, and the concern in his  eyes.” 

― Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts 

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