The Library of Legends by Janie Chang



The Library of Legends

In “The Library of Legends,” readers embark on a captivating journey into a realm where magic, myth, and wartime turmoil intertwine seamlessly. “The Library of Legends” is a tale of resilience, friendship, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Through Chang’s lyrical prose and evocative storytelling, readers are transported …
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Meet The Author

"Myths are the darkest and brightest incarnations of who we are. They slip into our dreams and underpin our reality. Perhaps that’s why the gods judged the Library of Legends worthy of special protection. ― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends"

The Library of Legends Spoilers

The Library of Legends by Janie Chang Book Summary & Synopsis

China, 1937. When Japanese bombs begin falling on the city  of Nanking, nineteen-year-old Hu Lian and her classmates at  Minghua University are ordered to flee. Lian and a convoy of  students, faculty and staff must walk 1,000 miles to the safety  of China’s western provinces, a journey marred by the constant  threat of aerial attack. And it is not just the refugees who are  at risk; Lian and her classmates have been entrusted with a  priceless treasure: a 500-year-old collection of myths and  folklore known as the Library of Legends.
The students’ common duty to safeguard the Library of  Legends creates unexpected bonds. Lian becomes friends  and forms a cautious romance with the handsome and  wealthy Liu Shaoming. But after one classmate is arrested  and another one is murdered, Lian realizes she must escape  before a family secret puts her in danger too. Accompanied  by Shao and his enigmatic maidservant, Sparrow, Lian makes  her way to Shanghai in the hopes of reuniting with her mother.
During the journey, Lian learns of the connection between her  two companions and a tale from the Library of Legends, The  Willow Star and the Prince. This revelation comes with  profound consequences, for as the ancient books travel across  China, they awaken immortals and guardian spirits who embark  on an exodus of their own, one that will change the country’s  fate forever.

A BooksWyz Review

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The Library of Legends by Janie Chang

Format:      400 pages, Paperback

Published:  May 12, 2020 by William Morrow Paperbacks

ISBN:         9780062851505 (ISBN10: 0062851500)

Language:  English

A Journey Through Time and Myth

In Janie Chang’s enchanting novel, “The Library of Legends,” readers are transported on a breathtaking journey through the heart of war-torn China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Set against the backdrop of one of the most tumultuous periods in Chinese history, Chang’s narrative weaves together elements of folklore, mythology, and historical fiction to create a mesmerizing tale of courage, resilience, and the power of storytelling to transcend the darkest of times.

At the heart of the story is Hu Lian, a young woman forced to flee her university in Nanking as the Japanese advance threatens to engulf the city in chaos. Alongside her fellow classmates and their enigmatic teacher, Professor Chen, Hu Lian embarks on a perilous journey across war-torn China, carrying with them a priceless treasure: the Library of Legends, a collection of ancient texts said to contain the wisdom of the ages.

As they traverse the vast and unforgiving landscape of wartime China, Hu Lian and her companions encounter a myriad of challenges, from air raids and enemy soldiers to hunger and exhaustion. Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, they find solace in the stories they carry with them, tales of gods and heroes, dragons and demons, passed down through generations and preserved within the pages of the Library of Legends.

Chang’s evocative prose brings to life the sights, sounds, and smells of wartime China, immersing readers in a world teetering on the brink of collapse. From bustling cities reduced to rubble to idyllic villages torn apart by violence, the novel’s vivid imagery captures the devastation wrought by war and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

What sets “The Library of Legends” apart is Chang’s masterful blending of history and mythology, weaving together elements of Chinese folklore and legend with the harsh realities of war. Through the lens of Hu Lian’s journey, readers are treated to a rich tapestry of myths and legends, from the immortal Monkey King to the benevolent Dragon King, each serving as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to illuminate the darkness and inspire hope.

At its core, “The Library of Legends” is a testament to the power of literature to transcend boundaries and connect people across time and space. As Hu Lian and her companions carry the Library of Legends on their journey, they discover that the stories they carry with them are more than just words on a page—they are a source of strength, wisdom, and hope in the darkest of times.

One of the novel’s most compelling aspects is its exploration of the relationship between history and memory, and the ways in which storytelling can shape our understanding of the past. Through the characters’ encounters with ancient myths and legends, Chang invites readers to reflect on the ways in which stories shape our collective memory and inform our understanding of who we are and where we come from.

“The Library of Legends” is also a celebration of the bonds of friendship and camaraderie forged in the crucible of adversity. As Hu Lian and her companions navigate the perils of war together, they form a tight-knit community bound by a shared sense of purpose and a deep-seated belief in the power of hope and resilience.

“The Library of Legends” is a captivating and deeply moving novel that transports readers to a world of magic, myth, and wartime intrigue. Janie Chang’s lyrical prose and vivid storytelling bring to life a cast of unforgettable characters and a landscape fraught with danger and uncertainty. Through the lens of Hu Lian’s journey, Chang invites readers to reflect on the power of storytelling to illuminate the darkness and inspire hope in even the darkest of times.


The Library of Legends Quotes

“So many poems about the moon, but what about the stars?”  Professor Kang said, breaking into her thoughts. “The moon  comes and goes through its cycles but the stars always shine  for us, constant and true. We should honor them more.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“Maybe it’s because legends are truer to our natures than  serious literature. Maybe myths and legends reveal more  about us than poetry or epic histories.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“Myths are the darkest and brightest incarnations of who  we are. They slip into our dreams and underpin our reality.  Perhaps that’s why the gods judged the Library of Legends  worthy of special protection.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“But she has hope. And therefore persistence,” Sparrow said.  “The persistence of water, no matter how small a trickle,  eventually wears a path through rock. And eternity is more  porous than rock.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“Disasters were inevitable and China’s history was rife with  plagues and famine, floods and earthquakes. And there had  been so many wars. Wars between petty kings and rival  generals, bandit armies and invading hordes. More recently,  revolution.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“But tales alter over time, anyway,” Sparrow said. “In the  marketplace or their own homes, storytellers shape  narratives to suit their audience and the times. They add  and remove details, even change the moral of the story.  Yet each version is authentic.”  

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“When the Palace gates close, the gods and guardian  spirits will leave your skies. The constellations will shine  as before, but they will be just what your scientists say  they are, flaming balls of gas and rock. People might  continue to pray, but whatever boons or burdens follow  will not come from the gods. They will be of your own  making.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“When a man lives a life of good deeds, he earns a better  life in his next reincarnation,” he said, in a rush to explain.  “He might be richer or happier in his family life. When he  does evil, his next reincarnation punishes him with poorer  circumstances. But life after life, the Prince has been  reincarnated to much the same status as before. It means  he’s done nothing good or bad in each life to tip the scales  enough either way to merit change. He neither advances  nor worsens. It means he’s lived a passive existence every  single time. How is that even possible?” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“irrationally fearful. She turned her eyes away as” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends    


“Her devotion required no effort from Shao.” 

― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends 

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