The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown



The Book of Doors

Step into the enchanting realm of “The Book of Doors” penned by Gareth Brown, a tale that transcends age barriers to captivate readers across generations. Within its pages lies a captivating narrative brimming with intrigue, inhabited by characters as vivid as they are endearing. Brown’s masterful world-building invites …
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Meet The Author

"This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any door is every door."

The Book of Doors Spoilers

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown Book Summary & Synopsis

If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?
In New York City, bookseller Cassie Andrews is living an  unassuming life when she is given a gift by a favourite  customer. It’s a book – an unusual book, full of strange writing  and mysterious drawings. And at the very front there is a  handwritten message to Cassie, telling her that this is the Book  of Doors, and that any door is every door .
What Cassie is about to discover is that the Book of Doors is a  special book that bestows an extraordinary powers on  whoever possesses it, and soon she and her best friend Izzy  are exploring all that the Book of Doors can do, swept away  from their quiet lives by the possibilities of travelling to  anywhere they want.
But the Book of Doors is not the only magical book in the  world. There are other books that can do wondrous and  dreadful things when wielded by dangerous and ruthless  individuals – individuals who crave what Cassie now  possesses.
Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and  danger, and the only person who can help them is, it seems,  Drummond Fox. He is a man fleeing his own demons – a man  with his own secret library of magical books that he has  hidden away in the shadows for safekeeping. Because  there is a nameless evil out there that is  hunting them all . . .
Because some doors should never be opened.

A BooksWyz Review

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The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown

Format:      416 pages, Hardcover

Published:  February 15, 2024 by Transworld Publ. Ltd UK

ISBN:         9781787637245 (ISBN10: 1787637247)

Language:  English

Opening the Doors to Adventure

In Gareth Brown’s enigmatic tale, “The Book of Doors,” readers are invited on a captivating journey through a realm where ordinary doorways lead to extraordinary adventures. With a blend of mystery, fantasy, and a touch of magic, Brown crafts a narrative that beckons readers to step through the threshold and into a world of endless possibilities.

At the heart of the story lies a seemingly ordinary protagonist, Alex, whose mundane existence is forever changed when he stumbles upon an ancient tome filled with cryptic symbols and enigmatic riddles. Little does he know that within the pages of this mysterious book lie the keys to unlocking hidden doorways to fantastical realms beyond his wildest imagination.

Brown’s storytelling is immersive and richly detailed, painting vivid landscapes that spring to life with each turn of the page. From enchanted forests to sprawling cities of shimmering glass, each new world Alex discovers is more captivating than the last, filled with colorful characters and thrilling adventures.

But amidst the wonder and excitement, there is also danger lurking in the shadows. As Alex delves deeper into the mysteries of the book, he attracts the attention of dark forces determined to claim its power for their own nefarious purposes. With each new door he opens, Alex finds himself drawn into a web of intrigue and peril, where the line between friend and foe becomes increasingly blurred.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths lies in its exploration of themes such as courage, friendship, and the power of imagination. As Alex navigates the challenges of his newfound abilities, he learns valuable lessons about trust, loyalty, and the importance of believing in oneself, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of “The Book of Doors” is its ability to spark the reader’s own sense of wonder and curiosity. As Alex embarks on his epic quest, readers are invited to join him on a journey of self-discovery and adventure, where each new page offers the promise of new discoveries and unexpected twists.

Brown’s prose is evocative and engaging, with each sentence crafted with care and precision. His descriptive language brings the world of “The Book of Doors” to life in vivid detail, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully in Alex’s journey and experience the wonders of each new realm alongside him.


“The Book of Doors” is a delightful and enchanting read that will appeal to readers of all ages. With its captivating premise, engaging characters, and imaginative world-building, Gareth Brown has crafted a story that is sure to capture the hearts and imaginations of readers everywhere. It is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to open the doors to the unknown. 


The Book of Doors Quotes

“The best place to enjoy a stormy night is in a warm room  with a book in your lap,” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any  door is every door.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“Life is  a train that just keeps getting faster and faster and  the sooner you realize that the better.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“What he hasn’t realized is stupid people aren’t usually quiet.  Stupid people are usually the noisiest people in the room.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“A seedling of hope poked through the dry earth of her heart,  but she refused to water” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“He was a man who d to be disappointed in things.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“Whatever you need to do, you get it done and you move on.  Put it behind you and survive.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“Because if you stop you admit the bad stuff has won, don’t  you? All you can do is keep going. Refuse to be beaten, even  when you are beaten. The bad stuff only wins if you let it. I  refuse to be beaten, Cassie. I refuse.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“Happiness is not something you sit and wait for. You have  to choose it and pursue it in spite of everything else. It’s not  going to be given to you.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“This is the Book of Memories. Share it, to share a memory,  Give it, to give a memory, And take it, to take a memory.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“Happiness is not something you sit and wait for. You have  to choose it and pursue it in spite of everything else.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors    


“But you have to let things go or it will eat you up. Let things  pass.” 

― Gareth Brown, The Book of Doors 

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