Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez



Just for the Summer

Abby Jimenez’s “Just for the Summer” beckons readers into a world of sun-kissed beaches, where love blossoms amidst the crashing waves and salty breeze. This enchanting novel transports readers to the serene shores of the Outer Banks, where Vanessa and Aidan’s romance unfolds against a backdrop of sand and surf …
Read full review and best quotes below

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"Grace costs you nothing."

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Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez Book Summary & Synopsis

Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it’s  now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on  to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a  woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they  come up with a plan: They’ll date each other and break  up. Their curses will cancel each other’s out, and  they’ll both go on to find the love of their lives. It’s  a bonkers idea… and it just might work.
Emma hadn’t planned that her next assignment as a  traveling nurse would be in Minnesota, but she and her  best friend agree that dating Justin is too good of an  opportunity to pass up, especially when they get to rent  an adorable cottage on a private island on Lake  Minnetonka.
It’s supposed to be a quick fling, just for the summer.  But when Emma’s toxic mother shows up and Justin has to  assume guardianship of his three siblings, they’re  suddenly navigating a lot more than they expected– including catching real feelings for each other. What if  this time Fate has actually brought the perfect pair  together?
Source: www.goodreads.com

A BooksWyz Review

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Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

Setting:      Minnesota

Format:      432 pages, Paperback

Published:  April 2, 2024 by Forever

ISBN:         9781538704431 (ISBN10: 1538704439)

Language:  English

Embracing the Warmth

Abby Jimenez’s “Just for the Summer” is a breath of fresh air, a sun-soaked romance that sweeps readers off their feet and carries them away to the idyllic shores of the Outer Banks. In this delightful novel, Jimenez delivers a heartwarming story of love, friendship, and second chances that will leave readers smiling long after they’ve turned the final page.

At the center of the story is Vanessa, a workaholic attorney who reluctantly agrees to spend the summer at her family’s beach house in the Outer Banks. But when she meets local bartender Aidan, Vanessa finds herself drawn to him in ways she never expected, sparking a romance that will change both of their lives forever.

From the outset, Jimenez captivates readers with her charming prose and engaging storytelling, painting a vivid picture of the sun-drenched beaches and bustling boardwalks of the Outer Banks. With each turn of the page, she draws readers deeper into Vanessa and Aidan’s world, immersing them in a whirlwind romance that is as sweet as it is satisfying.

But “Just for the Summer” is more than just a love story; it’s a celebration of friendship, family, and the healing power of love. As Vanessa and Aidan navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, they are supported by a colorful cast of characters who add depth and warmth to the narrative.

Jimenez’s writing is infused with humor, heart, and a healthy dose of steamy romance, making “Just for the Summer” a perfect beach read for anyone looking to escape into a world of sun, sand, and swoon-worthy romance. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or soaking up the sun on the beach, this book is guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.

One of the most compelling aspects of “Just for the Summer” is its exploration of the transformative power of love and the ways in which it can change us for the better. As Vanessa and Aidan open their hearts to each other, they discover that love has the power to heal old wounds and create new beginnings, inspiring readers to believe in the magic of second chances.

But amidst the romance and laughter, there are moments of genuine emotion and vulnerability that add depth and complexity to the story. From the tender moments of intimacy between Vanessa and Aidan to the raw, honest conversations they share, Jimenez captures the complexities of love and relationships with sensitivity and grace.

As I delved deeper into “Just for the Summer,” I found myself completely swept away by Jimenez’s storytelling. Each page brims with warmth, humor, and heart, leaving me eagerly turning the pages to see what would happen next.

“Just for the Summer” is a delightful summer read that is sure to capture the hearts of romance fans everywhere. With its engaging characters, charming setting, and heartwarming romance, it is the perfect escape for anyone looking for a feel-good story to brighten their day. So pack your beach bag, grab a cold drink, and dive into the sun-soaked world of “Just for the Summer” – you won’t regret it.


Just for the Summer Quotes

“In a world where you can choose anger or empathy, always  choose empathy,”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“The love stories sold us the wrong thing. The best kind  of love doesn’t happen on moonlit walks and romantic  vacations. It happens in between the folds of everyday  life. It’s not grand gestures that show how you feel,  it’s all the little secret things you do to make her life  better that you never tell her about. Taking the end  piece of the bread at breakfast so she can have the last  middle piece for her sandwich when you pack her lunch.  Making sure her car always has gas so she never has to  stop at the pump. Telling her you’re not cold and to take  your jacket when you are in fact, very, very cold. It’s  watching TV on a rainy Sunday while you’re doing laundry  and turning her light off when she’s fallen asleep  reading. Sharing pizza crusts and laughing about  something the kids did and taking care of each other when  you’re sick. It isn’t glamorous, it isn’t all butterflies  and stars in your eyes. It’s real. This is the kind of  love that forever is made of. Because if it’s this good  when life is draining and mundane and hard, think of how  wonderful it will be when the love songs are playing and  the moon is out.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Sometimes the best way to show love or be kind to  someone is to meet them where they are.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Not everything that comes out of crisis is bad.  Sometimes your traumas are the reason you know how to  help.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Unhealed trauma is a crack. And all the little hard  things that trickle into it that would have rolled off  someone else, settle. Then when life gets cold, that  crack gets bigger, longer, deeper. It makes new breaks.  You don’t know how broken she was or what she was trying  to do to fill those cracks. Being broken is not an excuse  for bad behavior, you still have to make good choices and  do the right thing. But it can be the reason. And  sometimes understanding the reason can be what helps you  heal.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“You’re not asking too much,” he said. “You were just  asking the wrong person. Ask me instead.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I swear to God this guy is the epitome of If He Wanted  To He Would.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Maybe home isn’t a place. Maybe it’s a person.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“He’s gone, Justin. May God rest his soul.” I blinked at  her. “Your boyfriend died?” “He’s dead to me.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“What are you thinking?” I asked. He didn’t answer for a  long moment. When he did, he did it with his eyes closed.  “All I ever think about is you.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I’m going to let that tall drink of water slam me like a  door.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Be glad you don’t get it. It means your life has been a  lot gentler than hers.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Why not forgive? In a world where you can choose anger  or empathy, always choose empathy; Justin. I don’t know  what it was like to be her. A single mom at eighteen, no  money, no family. She struggled. She still struggles. But  she loves me and I never doubted that for a second no  matter what she did.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I’ll reverse image search it.” “Oh, good thinking. Okay,  hold on.” I sent it to her. She sat back down and started  thumbing into her phone, and I went back to finish my  food. “Found him,” Maddy said, after about forty-five  seconds. I gawked. “That fast???” “The FBI should hire  more women. We’re natural investigators.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“The best kind of love doesn’t happen on moonlit walks  and romantic vacations. It happens in between the folds  of everyday life.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“It’s funny how when you find someone you like as much as  I liked her, the destination is suddenly wherever they  are. Even if there’s someplace better, you wouldn’t go if  they couldn’t come.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“You can tell a lot about a guy by how they deal with  rejection and getting their asses handed to them.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“The moment Emma came into view, my entire world slipped  into slow motion. My brain took a screenshot. I felt the  moment freeze and save. She was beautiful.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I think something is wrong with me. Like there’s  something in me, in my heart, that doesn’t work right.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I do love Trader Joe’s,” I said, smiling at the bag.  “Nothing like a grocery store that makes you have to  visit another grocery store right after.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I’m not superstitious.” I heard him suck air through his  teeth. “I’m a little stitious.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Justin was on the island. Not the real one. The one in  my soul.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Because when you’re in love, you do hard things.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“You are not what happened to you. You are what you do  next.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I’ve been waiting my whole life to feel like this and I  thought it was a curse that nobody else ever worked out.  But it wasn’t. It’s just that they weren’t you.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Choosing a life without them doesn’t mean you stop  caring about them. It just means that you can’t allow  them to harm you anymore. But if you don’t think your  life would be better without them in it, then accept that  they have cracks. Try to understand how they got them and  help fill them with something that isn’t ice.” She peered  at me. “If you can choose anger or empathy, always choose  empathy, Justin. It’s so much healthier than anger.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“At this point I’m convinced the man could sell you an  MLM”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Could be Taco Bell,” Jacob said, giving his wife a  playful eyebrow.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I’d never done drugs before, but I imagined this was  what being high felt like. I couldn’t wait for our date  tonight”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I knew she liked me. She was genuinely attracted to me,  I could feel it.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Why not forgive? In a world where you can choose anger  or empathy, always choose empathy”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I don’t see any red flags here, other than he’s got a J  name. J-named men are the worst.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I didn’t know how it was possible she got more beautiful  every time I saw her, but she did.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“You’re not asking too much,” he said. “You were just  asking the wrong person. Ask me instead.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone too.” He  paused. “I like you more than like.” We held each other’s  gaze. “I like you more than like too,” I said quietly.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“Sometimes I feel like the seasons could come and go and  come and go, a hundred years could pass, a thousand, the  ground could collapse under us, this house could crumble  and go back to the earth, and we would still be standing  here frozen in time, because every second I’m with you is  eternal. I’ve never felt anything like it.”  

 ― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer   


“You said the ones Amber got you were dead. I wanted to  get you some that wouldn’t die.”  

― Abby Jimenez, Just for the Summer

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