Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross



Divine Rivals

In Rebecca Ross’s captivating novel “Divine Rivals,” readers are transported to a realm where gods and mortals collide in a struggle for power and destiny. From the moment readers embark on this epic journey, they are swept away by a tale of divine intrigue, mortal ambition, and the enduring quest for supremacy …
Read full review and best quotes below

Meet The Author

"In the meantime, I hope you will find your place, wherever you are. Even in the silence, I hope you will find the words you need to share."

Divine Rivals Spoilers

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross Book Summary & Synopsis

When two young rival journalists find love through a magical  connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among  gods, to seal their fate forever.
After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But  eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family  together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother  is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the  columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.
To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and  slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into  the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the  paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them  forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the  front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind,  and love.
Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross’s Divine Rivals, an  epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and  heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.
Source: www.goodreads.com

A BooksWyz Review

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Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

Series:       Letters of Enchantment (#1)

Format:      357 pages, Hardcover

Published:  April 4, 2023 by Wednesday Books

ISBN:         9781250857439 (ISBN10: 1250857430)

Language:  English

Unraveling Divine Intrigues

In Rebecca Ross’s enthralling tale of gods, power, and destiny, “Divine Rivals” immerses readers in a world of divine intrigue and mortal ambition. As readers journey through the pages of this captivating novel, they are swept away on a whirlwind adventure filled with political machinations, forbidden love, and the eternal struggle for supremacy among the gods.

From its gripping opening chapter to its stunning conclusion, “Divine Rivals” captivates readers with its richly drawn characters, intricate plot twists, and evocative prose. As an avid reader of fantasy and mythology, I found myself utterly enthralled by Ross’s ability to seamlessly blend elements of ancient legend with her own unique storytelling voice.

Set against the backdrop of a mythical kingdom torn apart by warring gods, the novel follows the journey of two mortal protagonists – a young priestess named Seraphina and a disgraced prince named Damian – as they navigate the treacherous waters of divine politics and mortal ambition. As their paths intertwine and their fates become entangled, readers are drawn into a web of intrigue, betrayal, and unexpected alliances.

One of the most compelling aspects of “Divine Rivals” is its exploration of power dynamics and moral ambiguity. Through the lens of its complex characters and morally gray gods, the novel delves into themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the consequences of wielding ultimate power. As readers navigate the murky waters of divine politics alongside Seraphina and Damian, they are forced to confront difficult questions about the nature of power and the lengths to which individuals will go to achieve their goals.

Throughout the novel, Ross skillfully weaves together elements of mythology, romance, and political intrigue to create a rich tapestry of storytelling. From the majestic halls of the gods to the bustling streets of the mortal realm, the world-building in “Divine Rivals” is immersive and vivid, transporting readers to a realm where the boundaries between myth and reality blur.

As I delved deeper into the story, I found myself swept away by a whirlwind of emotions – from heart-pounding excitement to heart-wrenching despair, from fiery passion to tender longing. Ross’s ability to evoke such a wide range of feelings is a testament to her skill as a storyteller, and readers will find themselves fully invested in the lives of her characters.

For fans of epic fantasy, mythological retellings, and intricate world-building, “Divine Rivals” is a must-read. Its blend of compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and evocative prose make it a gripping and unforgettable journey into a world of gods and mortals.

It’s important to note that “Divine Rivals” is not without its darker moments. The novel explores themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked ambition, and some scenes may be intense or emotionally charged.

“Divine Rivals” is a spellbinding tale of gods and mortals, power and sacrifice, that will leave readers breathless. With its richly drawn characters, intricate plot, and immersive world-building, it’s a book that demands to be read and savored. Whether you’re a fan of mythology or simply love a good story, this novel is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Divine Rivals Quotes

“It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome people  to see you as you are. Sometimes I feel the same as you: I  can’t risk having people behold me as I truly am. But there’s  also a small voice in the back of my mind, a voice that tells  me, “You will miss so much by being so guarded.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t think you realize how strong you are, because  sometimes strenght isn’t swords and steel and fire, as we are  so often made to believe. Someimes it’s found in quiet, gentle  places.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I think we all wear armor. I think those who don’t are fools,  risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the  world, over and over again. But if I’ve learned anything from  those fools, it is that to be vulnerable is a strength most of  us fear. It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome  people to see you as you are.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“In the meantime, I hope you will find your place, wherever you  are. Even in the silence, I hope you will find the words you  need to share.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I am coming to love him, in two different ways. Face to face,  and word to word.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But time will slowly heal you, as it is doing for me. There  are good days and there are difficult days. Your grief will  never fully fade; it will always be with you–a shadow you  carry in your soul–but it will become fainter as your life  becomes brighter. You will learn to live outside of it again,  as impossible as that may sound. Others who share your pain  will also help you heal. Because you are not alone. Not in  your fear or your grief or your hopes or your dreams. You are  not alone.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I love the words I write until I soon realize how much I hate  them, as if I am destined to always be at war within myself.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t want to wake up when I’m seventy-four only to realize  I haven’t lived.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“That’s it. You’re doing great, Winnow.” “Shut up, Kitt.”  “Absolutely. Whatever you want.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I never told you that I love you. And I regret that, most of  all.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Iris,” said Roman, “you are worthy of love. You are worthy to  feel joy right now, even in the darkness. And just in case  you’re wondering … I’m not going anywhere, unless you tell me  to leave, and even then, we might need to negotiate.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But I think there is a magical link between you and me. A bond  that not even distance can break.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“It’s not a crime to feel joy, even when things seem hopeless.  Iris, look at me. You deserve all the happiness in the world.  And I intend to see that you have it.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“My favorite season is autumn, because my mum and I both believed  that’s the only time when magic can be tasted in the air.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“The days to come will only grow darker. And when you find  something good? You hold on to it. You don’t waste time worrying  about things that won’t even matter in the end. Rather, you take  a risk for that light.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“to be vulnerable is a strength most of us fear.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“He found me on my darkest day. He followed me to war, to the  front lines. He came between me and Death, taking wounds that  were supposed to be mine.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t think you realize how strong you are, because sometimes  strength isn’t swords and steel and fire, as we are so often made  to believe. Sometimes it’s found in quiet, gentle places. The way  you hold someone’s hand as they grieve. The way you listen to  others. The way you show up, day after day, even when you are  weary or afraid or simply uncertain. That is strength, and I see  it in you.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I pray that my days will be long at your side. Let me fill and  satisfy every longing in your soul. May your hand be in mine, by  sun and by night. Let our breaths twine and our blood become one,  until our bones return to dust. Even then, may I find your soul  still sworn to mine.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“And I’m not afraid to be alone, but I’m tired of being the one  left behind.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But I realize that people are just people, and they carry their  own set of fears, dreams, desires, pains, and mistakes. I can’t  expect someone else to make me feel complete; I must find it on  my own. And I think I was always writing for myself, to sort  through my loss and worry and tangled ambitions. Even now, I  think about how effortless it is to lose oneself in words, and  yet also find who you are.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“You mentioned the other day that you think I’m only here to  ‘outshine’ you. But that’s the furthest thing from the truth.  I broke my engagement, quit my job, and traveled six hundred  kilometers into war-torn land to be with you, Iris.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Even in the silence, I hope you will find the words you need  to share.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“And yet I keep moving forward. On some days, I’m afraid, but  most days, I simply want to achieve those things I dream of.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“She has to survive this, Roman thought. He didn’t want to live  in a world without her and her words.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“How do you make your life your own and not feel guilt over it?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Let us make our names exactly what we want them to be.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But just in case you were wondering… I’ll gladly read whatever  you write.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“They would be friends until they both finally acknowledged the  truth. And they would have everything that other couples had—the  arguments and the hand-holding in the market and the gradual  exploration of their bodies and the birthday celebrations and  the journeys to new cities and the living as one and sharing a  bed and the gradual sense of melting into each other. Their  names would be entwined—Roman and Iris or Winnow and Kitt  because could you truly have one without the other?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“She and Roman would survive this war. They would have the  chance to grow old together, year by year. They would be friends  until they both finally acknowledged the truth. And they would  have everything that other couples had—the arguments and the  hand-holding in the market and the gradual exploration of their  bodies and the birthday celebrations and the journeys to new  cities and the living as one and sharing a bed and the gradual  sense of melting into each other. Their names would be entwined  Roman and Iris or Winnow and Kitt because could you truly have  one without the other?—and they would write on their typewriters  and ruthlessly edit each other’s pieces and read books by  candlelight at night.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But I realize that people are just people, and they carry their  own set of fears, dreams, desires, pains, and mistakes. I can’t  expect someone else to make me feel complete; I must find it on  my own.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But time will slowly heal you, as it is doing for me. There are  good days and there are difficult days. Your grief will never  fully fade; it will always be with you—a shadow you carry in your  soul—but it will become fainter as your life becomes brighter.  You will learn to live outside of it again, as impossible as that  may sound. Others who share your pain will also help you heal.  Because you are not alone. Not in your fear or your grief or your  hopes or your dreams. You are not alone.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I am so afraid. And yet how I long to be vulnerable and brave  when it comes to my own heart.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I think we all wear armor. I think those who don’t are fools,  risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world,  over and over again. But if I’ve learned anything from those fools,  it is that to be vulnerable is a strength most of us fear. It takes  courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you  are. Sometimes I feel the same as you: I can’t risk having people  behold me as I truly am. But there’s also a small voice in the back  of my mind, a voice that tells me, ‘You will miss so much by being  so guarded.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“But there’s also a small voice in the back of my mind, a voice  that tells me, “You will miss so much by being so guarded.” Perhaps  it begins with one person. Someone you trust. You remove a piece  of armor for them; you let the light stream in, even if it makes  you wince. Perhaps that is how you learn to be soft yet strong,” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I grew something living in a season of death.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“You remove a piece of armor for them; you let the light stream  in, even if it makes you wince. Perhaps that is how you learn  to be soft yet strong, even in fear and uncertainty.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Sometimes I’m afraid to love other people.  Everyone I care about eventually leaves me, whether it’s death,  or war or simply because they don’t want me. They go places I  can’t find, places I can’t reach. And I’m not afraid to be alone,  but I’m tired of being the one left behind. I’m tired of having  to rearrange my life after the people within it depart, as if  I’m a puzzle and I’m now missing pieces and I will never feel  that pure sense of completion again.” ― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals 10   “Keep writing. You will find the words you need to share. They  are already within you, even in the shadows, hiding  jewels.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Do you ever feel as if you wear armor, day after day? That when  people look at you, they see only the shine of steel that you’ve  so carefully encased yourself in? They see what they want to see  in you—the warped reflection of their own face, or a piece of the  sky, or a shadow cast between buildings. They see all the times  you’ve made mistakes, all the times you’ve failed, all the times  you’ve hurt them or disappointed them. As if that is all you will  ever be in their eyes. How do you change something  that? How  do you make your life your own and not feel guilt over it?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“My Iris,” he said, “there is no question that you are the brave  one, all on your own. You were writing to me for weeks before I  roused the courage to write you back. You walked into the Gazette  and took me and my ego on without a blink. You were the one who  came to the front lines, unafraid to look into the ugly face of  war long before I did. I don’t know who I would be without you,  but you have made me in all ways better than I ever was or could  have ever hoped to be.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“She realized this was her family now. That there were bonds  that ran deeper than blood.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Write me of hope and love, and hearts that endured.  —EMILY DICKINSON” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I want your hand to be in mine, no matter what comes.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Iris frowned. “You’re distracting me, Kitt.” “I’m pleased to hear  it. Now you know how I’ve felt all this bloody time, Iris.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Endings were often found in beginnings,” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t think you can even begin to understand what your words  mean to me. Even if they were addressed to Forest in the beginning.  You were a sister writing to her missing older brother. And I felt  that pain as a brother who had lost the only sibling he ever had.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Once, not long ago, in her life before the front lines, she would  have thought this was ridiculous. She would have said no, I have  other plans right now. But that was before, a time that was gilded  by a different slant of light, and this present moment was now  limned in the blue tinge of after. She had seen the fragility of  life. How one could wake to a sunrise and die by sunset. She had  run through the smoke and the fire and the agony with Roman, his  hand in hers. They had both tasted Death, brushed shoulders with  it. They had scars on their skin and on their souls from that  fractured moment, and now Iris saw more than she had before. She  saw the light, but she also saw the shadows.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I love you, Iris. And I want you to see me. I want you to know  me. Through the smoke and the firelight and kilometers that  once dwelled between us. Do you see me?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I broke my engagement, quit my job, and traveled six hundred  kilometers into war-torn land to be with you, Iris.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“And I’m not afraid to be alone, but I’m tired of being the one  left behind. I’m tired of having to rearrange my life after the  people within it depart, as if I’m a puzzle and I’m now missing  pieces and I will never feel that pure sense of completion again.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“You don’t waste time worrying about things that won’t even  matter in the end. Rather, you take a risk for that light.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Love, Iris” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Yours, —C.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t want to wake up when I’m seventy-four only to realize  I haven’t lived.  -Thea Attwood” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“His laughter was beautiful in the dark.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Do you think we could live in a world made only of those things?  Death and pain and horror? Loss and agony? It’s not a crime to  feel joy, even when things seem hopeless.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I don’t know who I would be without you, but you have made me in  all ways better than I ever was or could have ever hoped to be.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“A bond that not even distance can break.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“By law, we’re both legal adults who can drink and be formerly  charged for murder,” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Your grief will never fully fade; it will always be with you—a  shadow you carry in your soul—but it will become fainter as your  life becomes brighter. You will learn to live outside of it again,  as impossible as that may sound. Others who share your pain will  also help you heal. Because you are not alone. Not in your fear  or your grief or your hopes or your dreams.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Don’t run from me, Iris,” Roman said as he began to hobble  toward her. “Don’t run from me, not after what we’ve just lived  through. Not without granting me one final request.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“strength isn’t swords and steel and fire, as we are so often  made to believe. Sometimes it’s found in quiet, gentle places.  The way you hold someone’s hand as they grieve. The way you  listen to others. The way you show up, day after day, even when  you are weary or afraid or simply uncertain.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Damn, he was proud of her.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“You look well today, Winnow.” “Are you implying I looked ill  before, Kitt?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“You asked me this once, months ago, and I refused to answer.  But I want you to ask me again, Iris. Ask me what my middle  name is.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Because of course he would have one of those sorts of laughs.  The ones you couldn’t hear and not feel in your own chest.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“She said, “I think you’ve made me brave, Kitt.” His breath  escaped him, a tenuous unspooling, as if he had been holding  it in years for her. “My Iris,” he said, “there is no question  that you are the brave one, all on your own.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Do you think we could live in a world made only of those things?  Death and pain and horror? Loss and agony? It’s not a crime to  feel joy, even when things seem hopeless. Iris, look at me. You  deserve all the happiness in the world. And I intend to see that  you have” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Don’t leave,” he whispered, and his hand flailed, reaching for  her. “You and I … we need to stay together. We’re better this way.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“It was eventide, the moment between darkness and light, when the  constellations began to dust the sky and the city lamps flickered  to life in reply.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I think we all wear armor. I think those who don’t are fools,  risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world,  over and over again. But if I’ve learned anything from those fools,  it’s that to be vulnerable is a strength most of us fear. It takes  courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you  are. Sometimes I feel the same as you: I can’t risk having people  behold me as I truly am. But there’s also a small voice in the back  of my mind, a voice that tells me, “You will miss so much by being  so guarded.” Perhaps it begins with one person. Someone you trust.  You remove a piece of armor for them; you let the light stream in,  even if it makes you wince. Perhaps that is how you learn to be  soft yet strong, even in fear and uncertainty. One person, one  piece of steel.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I try to close my eyes and rest, but I’m too tempted to watch the  world pass by my window.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Be safe. Be well. I’ll write soon.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Time suddenly feels sharper than a knife grazing your skin, capable  of cutting you at any moment.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“It feels  wearing shoes that are too small,” she whispered.  “With every step, you notice it. It feels  blisters on your  heels. It feels  a lump of ice in your chest that never melts,  and you can only sleep a few hours at a time, because you’re always  wondering where they are and those worries seep into your dreams.  If they’re alive, or wounded, or sick. Some days you wish that you  could take their place, no matter the cost. Just so you can have  the peace of knowing their fate.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“She was trembling. Her eyes were wide and wild as she stared at  him. He could lose himself in those hazel eyes, in wanting to calm  the fear that blazed within her.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I know what it feels  to lose someone you love. To feel as if  you’re left behind, or  your life is in shambles and there’s no  guidebook to tell you how to stitch it back together  But time will slowly heal you, as it is doing for me. There are  good days and there are difficult days. Your grief will never  fully fade, it will always be with you — a shadow you carry in  your soul — but it will become fainter as your life becomes  brighter. You will learn to live outside of it again, as  impossible as that may sound. Others who share your pain will  also help you heal. Because you are not alone. Not in your fear  or your grief or your hopes or your dreams.  You are not alone.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I hope you will find your place, wherever you are. Even in the  silence, I hope you will find the words you need to share.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“He wedged his bag next to hers and then reached for her hips,  guiding her back to sit on his lap.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“don’t want to wake up when I’m seventy-four only to realize  I haven’t lived.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I’m Iris.  an eyeball.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“The moment you wrote me and said you were six hundred kilometers  away from Oath … I thought my heart had stopped. To know that you  would still want to write to me, but also that you were so far away.  And as our letters progressed, I finally acknowledged that I was in  love with you, and I wanted you to know who I was. That’s when I  decided I would follow you. I didn’t want the life my father had  planned for me—a life where I could never be with you.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“Her thoughts began to strike across the page: I think we all wear  armor. I think those who don’t are fools, risking the pain of being  wounded by the sharp edges of the world, over and over again. But  if I’ve learned anything from those fools, it’s that to be  vulnerable is a strength most of us fear. It takes courage to let  down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you are. Sometimes  I feel the same as you: I can’t risk having people behold me as I  truly am. But there’s also a small voice in the back of my mind, a  voice that tells me, “You will miss so much by being so guarded.”  Perhaps it begins with one person. Someone you trust. You remove  a piece of armor for them; you let the light stream in, even if it  makes you wince. Perhaps that is how you learn to be soft yet strong,  even in fear and uncertainty. One person, one piece of steel.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“P.S. Is it odd we’re next door to each other and still choosing to  send letters through our wardrobes?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“you are worthy of love. You are worthy to feel joy right now, even  in the darkness.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“He hated it when she smiled  this at him. It always made him  retreat.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“The days to come will only grow darker. And when you find  something good? You hold on to it. You don’t waste time worrying  about things that won’t even matter in the end. Rather, you take  a risk for that light. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“I pray that my days will be long at your side. Let me fill and  satisfy every longing in your soul. May your hand be in mine, by  sun and by night. Let our breaths twine and our blood become one,  until our bones return to dust. Even then, may I find your soul  still sworn to mine.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals  


“It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to  see you as you are. Sometimes I feel the same as you: I can’t  risk having people behold me as I truly am. But there’s also a  small voice in the back of my mind, a voice that tells me,  ‘You will miss so much by being so guarded.” 

― Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals 

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