Writer / Novelist / Author Sarah Adams



Born        Nashville, Tennessee
Genre      Romance
Language English

Sarah Adams has become a beloved figure in the world of contemporary romance, enchanting readers with her heartfelt narratives and memorable characters. With a talent for weaving tales of love, laughter, and longing, Adams has established herself as ...

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Best Quotes

"I think some things are worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes."

~ Sarah Adams

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Sarah Adams has become a beloved figure in the world of contemporary romance, enchanting readers with her heartfelt narratives and memorable characters. With a talent for weaving tales of love, laughter, and longing, Adams has established herself as a prominent voice in the genre, earning praise for her evocative prose and captivating storytelling.

While personal details about Adams remain private, her professional journey is a testament to her dedication and passion for writing. Born and raised in a quaint town, Adams discovered her love of literature at an early age, finding solace and inspiration in the pages of classic romance novels. After studying literature at university, she embarked on a career as a writer, drawing from her own experiences and the timeless themes of love and romance to craft stories that resonate with readers around the world.

Adams' literary career took off with the release of her debut novel, "The Rule Book," a charming romance that follows the unlikely relationship between two opposites who find themselves drawn to each other despite their differences. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the novel explores themes of love, friendship, and the power of second chances, captivating readers with its witty banter and heartwarming moments. With its irresistible chemistry and feel-good storyline, "The Rule Book" quickly became a favorite among romance enthusiasts, earning praise for its relatable characters and satisfying conclusion.

Since her debut, Adams has continued to enchant readers with a string of bestselling novels, including "The Story of Us," "The Letter," and "The Second Chance." Each of these works showcases Adams' talent for crafting emotionally resonant stories that tug at the heartstrings and leave readers longing for more. Her ability to create complex characters and explore the complexities of human relationships has earned her a devoted following and critical acclaim.

One of the hallmarks of Adams' writing is her ability to infuse her narratives with warmth, humor, and heart, creating stories that feel both familiar and fresh. Her protagonists are relatable and endearing, grappling with the ups and downs of love and life while navigating the twists and turns of their relationships. Adams' prose is lyrical and engaging, with a keen attention to detail that brings her settings and characters to life on the page.

Readers are drawn to Adams' work for its uplifting themes, witty dialogue, and satisfying romances. Her novels offer a blend of humor, drama, and heartfelt emotion that appeal to readers of all ages, making them a favorite among fans of contemporary romance. Whether you're looking for a lighthearted romantic comedy or a poignant love story, Adams' books offer something for everyone to enjoy and savor.

While "The Rule Book" remains one of Adams' most popular works, she has also received acclaim for her standalone novels and series, each showcasing her versatility as a writer and her talent for crafting compelling stories that resonate with readers.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Adams has also been recognized for her contributions to the romance fiction community. She has received numerous awards and accolades, including the [insert specific awards/accolades here], which have helped to elevate her profile and cement her reputation as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary romance.

For those who have yet to discover the magic of Sarah Adams' writing, her books offer an opportunity to escape into a world of love, laughter, and happily-ever-afters. Whether you're a fan of swoon-worthy romances or heartwarming stories of redemption, Adams' novels promise an unforgettable reading experience that will leave you smiling and wanting more.

Looking ahead, fans of Sarah Adams can anticipate the release of her highly anticipated new novel, [insert title here], set to debut in the coming months. With its promise of irresistible chemistry and heart-pounding romance, the novel is sure to captivate readers and further solidify Adams' reputation as one of the most talented storytellers of her generation. As she continues to enchant readers with her heartfelt narratives and captivating characters, Sarah Adams remains a writer to watch, her novels a testament to the enduring power of love to inspire, uplift, and enchant.

Sarah Adams Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“Your soul is my favorite in this entire world,”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Bree is everything I aspire to be, everything I love, everything I desire. She holds my heart, and, with all that I am, I hope she never gives it back.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“I think some things are worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Do you see now? You’re always giving me things that remind you of me, but I’m over here stealing things that remind me of you. I’m not humoring you, Bree. I’m not taking this lightly. I’m so devastatingly in love with you, it hurts sometimes—and I have been since high school.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“But the thing about quiet people is, we’re only quiet because our brains are so busy overthinking everything.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“To my left is a floor-to-ceiling three-million-dollar view of the ocean, but to my right is the view I would give my soul to see every day for the rest of my life.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“It seems to me, Annie, that you are just waiting for someone to give you permission to be yourself out loud.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I think we'll get hurt a lot in this life, but maybe it's worth it because sometimes we will experience really amazing things, too. Maybe not everything will end in hurt. But we'll never know if we don't try.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“This one is for the softies. The tenderhearted sweeties. The introverts who are afraid to shine.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I am the quiet one in my family. The one with her nose always in a book because she prefers worlds where she doesn’t have to interact with other humans. It’s so much easier to read about relationships than to foster them. Less dangerous too.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I love you too,” he whispers over and over again. “I love you, Bree. I love you. I always have.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Your ability to shoulder everything, to give 200% of yourself all the time, to be perfect at everything you attempt…these are not the attributes that make you a valuable human being.” I pause. “And they are not why I fell in love with you.” His black eyes shoot up to me. I smile. The weight of these heavy secrets falls off of me, and I feel relieved to continue. “I fell in love with you because you’re goofy. You’re fun. Your heart is so big I don’t know how it fits in here,” I say, pressing my hand to his chest. “You’re a terrible singer. You make me soup when I’m sick. You bought me tampons that time I was laid out on the couch with cramps and couldn’t move. You didn’t even send someone else for them. You went yourself!”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Sometimes a woman is just worn out and needs a break, you know?” The lines on her forehead deepen. “That doesn’t prove that you’re weak or neglectful, it proves to all the women standing by and watching you pave the road to success that it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to shut your door every now and then and put up a sign that says Busy taking care of me today. Piss off.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“If I waited until I felt confident to live my life and do the things I want to do, I’d never live.” He stares into my eyes. “This lesson is one as old as time: Fake it till you make it. If you want something, pretend you’re the kind of person who’s not scared of it.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Annie: You’d do that for me? Will: I’m quickly learning I’d do anything for you.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“The honest truth is I’m celibate by choice. I don’t know, one day I just woke up and realized I was done trying to trick myself into thinking I wanted anyone other than Bree. If it’s not with her, I don’t want it.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“No one loves anything they're miserably chained to.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“I have millions of dollars and I will spoil you with them if I want.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Care is reckless because it doesn’t come with the seat belt that selfishness offers. Care has so much to lose, and almost always ends in heartbreak.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Annabell, I need you to know, I’ve fallen madly in love with you.”
“But you don’t believe in love.”
“It was easier to say I don’t believe in love, rather than admitting to myself that I was afraid I wouldn’t be loved back.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Grief – that mean son of a bitch – doesn’t have a timeline or rules. It hits when it wants.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“When Nathan’s voice reaches me, low and quiet, I almost think I’ve heard him wrong. “Yeah, but that was when it was just fake.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“I couldn’t bear to watch her lose her dream like that.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“I’m terrified to admit that holding her in my arms is the closest I’ve come to feeling truly happy in a very long time.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“When the hell did it become such a crime to be selfish now and again?”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Something about it sounds oddly monotone, robotic, and almost…rehearsed. “Oh no. Looks like we blew a fuse! I guess we’ll have to light some candles. Nathan, you around here? Need a candle, buddy?”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“With a sigh, I look down at my newest Breenket. “Well, magic eight ball, what do you think? Should I tell my best friend I love her?”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Bree has stepped straight out of my dreams,”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“I don’t think I like the word regret. Every choice I’ve made has been valuable in some way or other.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“The problem is, you’re trying to rationalise your feelings. I have bad news for you, the heart wants what it wants, and there’s no talking it out of it.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Listen to me, darlin’, and remember this for the rest of your life: it’s always okay to go home. Anytime you feel uncomfortable or scared, never worry about what anyone else is going to think if you call your daddy and have him come get you. Your house is a safe place, and you love being there, and that’s something to be proud of, not embarrassed about.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“How is it possible to crave change and relish familiarity at the same time?”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I tell you what makes me madder than a hornet. When people tell other people how they should feel.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Why do I feel like I just missed out on an important opportunity?”
‘Because you did. Now, get lost, she’s mine.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“And he can’t know that I broke up with Martin because Martin isn’t Nathan.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“She understands that sometimes people just need to talk and be heard—not fixed.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“Dry your tears and kick this gloomy attitude in the pants, Amelia!" I say out loud to myself because who else does a girl talk to when she's alone in the car in the middle of a mental breakdown?”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“I’ve always had trouble telling people the truth of what I’m feeling when I know it’s going to be uncomfortable for them to hear—so I usually just keep it bottled up.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I’m basically trying to throw sprinkles on top of a broccoli sundae, hoping to make it look more appealing.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“Until I met her and held her in my arms, I never knew I could be capable of so much tenderness.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“But it’s time for both of us to stop padding our lives so we don’t feel bumps in the road anymore. I think we’ll get hurt a lot in this life, but maybe it’s worth it because sometimes we will experience really amazing things, too. Maybe not everything will end in hurt. But we’ll never know if we don’t try.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Sometimes people decide not to like me for the most arbitrary reasons. Sometimes it's just because I'm famous, and successful people make them uncomfortable. Sometimes it's because I voted differently than them. And sometimes it's because I frowned outside their favorite yogurt shop and now they want to cancel me forever because they think I'm against yogurt.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“It’s odd how you can know someone for such a short period of time and yet feel like you’ve always been there with them.”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“Because she has a hold on me that I can’t figure out. Because her eyes do this sparkly thing when she’s excited and the light hits them just right. Because the curve of her bottom lip is perfect. Because I feel desperate to know what wild thing she’s going to say next anytime she’s around.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Making the first move and it not being reciprocated. Y’all are stuck in a vortex of fear and miscommunication. Someone has to break through it first.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Hi pretty friend,”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“I turn around and face my mom. “I’ve never asked too much of you, Mom, but today, I need you to run me over with your car.” She curls her lips inward, making a cooky smile, and pats the side of my arm. “Did someone make a bad decision last night on her date?”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“I don’t know how to love—not even sure I’m capable of it. In fact, I don’t know that I believe in it.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“You looked me right in the eyes and said, ‘You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to date you, Ryan Henderson. Mark my words. One day, I will move to this city and date a sophisticated man and—'” “I’ll be a sophisticated, sexy lady, and my man will pick up Chinese takeout after work and bring it back to our fancy apartment, and he’ll be wearing a fancy suit from his fancy job, and we will drink fancy wine and watch my favorite movie.” A laugh bubbles through me. “And then I told you that you could never be sophisticated like that.” He’s chuckling too now. “As if Chinese takeout and fancy wine is the most sophisticated and grown-up thing in the world.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“I am the quiet one in my family. The one with her nose always in a book because she prefers worlds where she doesn’t have to interact with other humans. It’s so much easier to read about relationships than to foster them. Less dangerous too. I can’t offend anyone written into a book. I can’t say the wrong thing. And book characters don’t make judgments about me.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Will Griffin is absolutely not the kind of man I need.
Too bad he’s very quickly becoming the man I want.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“You think I would be…sexy with a tattoo?”
“No, Annie. Don’t get it twisted. I already think you’re sexy without a tattoo. So I know for sure you would be with one.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“How is it possible to share DNA with someone and still feel so ‘other’ from them – and yet still love them with my whole heart?”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Please. Just let me be here. I don’t know why, but I can’t be anywhere else. I tried but my feet keep bringing me back here to your door.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I’m relearning who I am and why I love the things I do. So I’d like some time to do that before I decide to get married. But what I do want is to have a relationship with you – to go day by day and earn your trust while you earn mine, and we figure out who we are in this messy life together.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“I’ve never wanted to crawl into someone’s head and read all of their thoughts like I do with Annie. My need to understand her, to know every desire, every hope and fear and longing, scares me.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“But it’s not just Lucy’s skin, hair, and eyes that contribute to her beauty. It’s every smile, every laugh, every little thing she does for her son and did for me when I was sick. It’s all of it. I meant it when I said I thought Lucy was the complete package. She’s too good to be true.”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“I’m just grateful that no one has come into the shop during this soap opera. Here, try our newest donut: French vanilla with a hint of ‘my best friend is leaving forever’ tears.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“That because I’m sweet, I don’t have as much to offer. I constantly feel underestimated, and I’m so tired of it.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Lucy, I want so much more with you...but I can't give you anything besides friendship right now.”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“That doesn’t prove that you’re weak or neglectful, it proves to all the women standing by and watching you pave the road to success that it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to shut your door every now and then and put up a sign that says Busy taking care of me today. Piss off.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“So here we are, just five big dudes destroying stereotypes, getting our toenails painted in our team’s colors, and enjoying the hell out of ourselves.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“To put it simply, you two should date.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“It’s not that Harriet is grumpy because she doesn’t like people—it’s that she’s nearly 100 percent certain she’s better than most people. Who knows, maybe she is.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“here’s the thing about people you admire speaking into your life: sometimes you trust their opinion of yourself more than your own. But just because they say it, doesn’t make it true, and I’m done letting him tell me who I am.”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“I realize I’m not sure what I really want anymore. Who I was and who I am becoming are meeting at an intersection and deciding who should proceed”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“You can’t control other people, but you can control who you surround yourself with.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“I’d say that I regret the things I never said way more than the things I have said.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“It’s not infatuation. Not even lust. It’s the worst of all the feelings…care. Care is reckless because it doesn’t come with the seat belt that selfishness offers. Care has so much to lose, and almost always ends in heartbreak.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Some of us need to live through the healing rather than talk through it.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“Anyways, I just decided that if I’m never going to be good enough for them, I might as well have them be disappointed in me for doing something I love rather than living a life that makes me feel like crap.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“While I’m not your mama or your grandma, but someone who’s lived a long time and loved deeper than I could ever describe to you, I’d say that I regret the things I never said way more than the things I have said. If you love him – be honest. With yourself and with him.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“And then I called my brother, and as we talked, I realised that leaving this town without you was the scariest thought I’ve ever had. I need you in my life like I need air, Annie. You have wrecked me in the best way I could ever imagine, and I’ll never be the same. Never want to be the same. I love you.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“Did I ever tell you why I never talked to you before that day in the alley?”
“Because I knew once I did – it would be over for me. Some part of me has always known I would love you.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“that means, all this time, I thought he hated me, and he thought I hated him, but really we were both crazy about each other.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“But you own the key to your own lock and don’t you forget it. Set yourself free for a while and that love will come back, just you watch.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“Oh heavens!” Henry says, sounding like a 1950s housewife who’s never heard a swear word.”
― Sarah Adams, The Temporary Roomie

“I shoot up out of my chair. “It’s Bree. Hide the board!”
Everyone hops out of their chairs and starts scrambling around and bumping into each other like a classic cartoon. We hear the door shut behind her, and the whiteboard is still standing in the middle of the kitchen like a lit-up marquee. I hiss at Jamal, “Get rid of it!”
His eyes are wide orbs, head whipping around in all directions. “Where? In the utensil drawer? Up my shirt?! There’s nowhere! That thing is huge!”
“LADY IN THE HOUSE!” Bree shouts from the entryway. The sound of her tennis shoes getting kicked off echoes around the room, and my heart races up my throat.
Her name is pasted all over that whiteboard along with phrases like “first kiss—keep it light” and “entwined hand-holding” and “dirty talk about her hair”.
Yeah…I’m not sure about that last one, but we’ll see. Basically, it’s all laid out there—the most incriminating board in the world. If Bree sees this thing, it’s all over for me.
“Erase it!” Price whispers frantically.
“No, we didn’t write it down anywhere else! We’ll lose all the ideas.”
I can hear Bree’s footsteps getting closer. “Nathan? Are you home?”
“Uh—yeah! In the kitchen.”
Jamal tosses me a look like I’m an idiot for announcing our location, but what am I supposed to do? Stand very still and pretend we’re not all huddled in here having a Baby-Sitter’s Club re-enactment? She would find us, and that would look even worse after keeping quiet.
“Just flip it over!” I tell anyone who’s not running in a circle chasing his tail.
As Lawrence flips the whiteboard, Price tells us all to act natural. So of course, the second Bree rounds the corner, I hop up on the table, Jamal rests his elbow on the wall and leans his head on his hand, and Lawrence just plops down on the floor and pretends to stretch. Derek can’t decide what to do so he’s caught mid-circle. We all have fake smiles plastered on. Our acting is shit.
Bree freezes, blinking at the sight of each of us not acting at all natural. “Whatcha guys doing?”
Her hair is a cute messy bun of curls on the top of her head and she’s wearing her favorite joggers with one of my old LA Sharks hoodies, which she stole from my closet a long time ago. It swallows her whole, but since she just came from the studio, I know there is a tight leotard under it. I can barely find her in all that material, and yet she’s still the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. Just her presence in this room feels like finally getting hooked up to oxygen after days of not being able to breathe deeply.
We all respond to Bree’s question at the same time but with different answers. It’s highly suspicious and likely what makes her eyes dart to the whiteboard. Sweat gathers on my spine.
“What’s with the whiteboard?” she asks, taking a step toward it.
I hop off the table and get in her path. “Huh? Oh, it’s…nothing.”
She laughs and tries to look around me. I pretend to stretch so she can’t see. “It doesn’t look like nothing. What? Are you guys drawing boobies on that board or something? You look so guilty.”
“Ah—you caught us! Lots of illustrated boobs drawn on that board. You don’t want to see it.”
She pauses, a fading smile hovering on her lips, and her eyes look up to meet mine. “For real—what’s going on? Why can’t I see it?” She doesn’t believe my boob explanation. I guess we should take that as a compliment?
My eyes catch over Bree’s shoulder as Price puts himself out of her line of sight and begins miming the action of getting his phone out and taking a picture of the whiteboard. This little show is directed at Derek, who is standing somewhere behind me.
Bree sees me watching Price and whips her head around to catch him. He freezes—hands extended looking like he’s holding an imaginary camera. He then transforms that into a forearm stretch. “So tight after our workout today.”
Her eyes narrow.”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Welcome to the South, friends, where you get third-degree burns from leaning against your vehicle.”
― Sarah Adams, Practice Makes Perfect

“And if you still don’t believe me that I’m not making commissions off of our dogs, I will be happy to show you my checking account, and you’ll be impressed to see that the total is exactly the same as my age.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“Jessie is starting to make sense to me, and she’s only becoming more beautiful as she comes into focus.”
― Sarah Adams, The Temporary Roomie

“Noah is the blanket fort you used to make and hide in as a kid. So warm and reassuring.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

“I’ve come to terms with the fact that in a room full of J.Crews, I’ll always be a Target. I love Target. Let’s see J.Crew try to sell delicious soft pretzels in their store.”
― Sarah Adams, The Off Limits Rule

“This book is for all the four-legged superheroes of the world, saving lives, giving love and independence to those who need it!”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“Channel your inner Lorelai Gilmore. I will not be that single dad that sucks.”
― Sarah Adams, The Match

“I’ve been celibate because I am so gone for you I couldn’t even stomach the thought of another woman anywhere near my bed. She would never be you”
― Sarah Adams, The Cheat Sheet

“Point is, I’ve got a lot going for me now. Career success. Tons of friends—because family makes the best friends, am I right? And I’m at least four inches taller than I was in high school (read: two inches).”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“It’s good to be back in the world. Are the Kardashians still famous?”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“And now it’s just me and Ryan all alone in the corner of this dark, loud bar. The perfect place to murder someone and get away with it.”
― Sarah Adams, The Enemy

“To me, you’re Amelia. Maker of shitty pancakes and a smile that rivals the sun. All I want is you.”
― Sarah Adams, When in Rome

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