Writer / Novelist / Author Lyla Sage



Born        Private
Genre      Romance, Adventure
Language English

Lyla Sage, a prolific author in the romance genre, has captured the hearts of readers with her captivating storytelling and unforgettable characters. While details about her personal life remain private, her professional journey into the world of wri...

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Best Quotes

"if you don’t like the road you’re on, you can always pave a new one"

~ Lyla Sage

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Lyla Sage, a prolific author in the romance genre, has captured the hearts of readers with her captivating storytelling and unforgettable characters. While details about her personal life remain private, her professional journey into the world of writing is one filled with passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to her craft.

Sage burst onto the literary scene with her debut novel, "Rebel Blue Ranch Series," which quickly gained popularity among romance enthusiasts for its irresistible blend of heartwarming romance, Western charm, and page-turning suspense. The series, set against the backdrop of the rugged Montana landscape, follows the lives and loves of the Carrington siblings as they navigate family secrets, unexpected twists of fate, and, of course, the tumultuous path to true love.

However, it was Sage's second installment in the series, "Swift and Saddled (Rebel Blue Ranch, #2)," that solidified her reputation as a rising star in the romance genre. The novel follows the fiery romance between a spirited horse trainer and a brooding cowboy, weaving together elements of passion, adventure, and redemption into a tale that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Sage's writing style is characterized by its vivid descriptions, authentic dialogue, and well-developed characters that leap off the page. Her ability to create palpable chemistry between her protagonists and build tension that keeps readers eagerly turning pages has earned her a dedicated following of fans who eagerly anticipate each new release.

Readers are drawn to Sage's novels for their swoon-worthy romances, relatable characters, and immersive storytelling. Whether it's the breathtaking Montana landscape, the pulse-pounding action scenes, or the tender moments of emotional vulnerability, Sage's novels offer readers an escape into a world where love conquers all and happily ever afters are always within reach.

While "Rebel Blue Ranch Series" remains Sage's most popular work to date, she has also penned several standalone novels and short stories, each showcasing her talent for crafting compelling narratives that resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Sage has been recognized for her contributions to the romance genre, receiving nominations for prestigious awards such as the Romance Writers of America RITA Awards and the Goodreads Choice Awards.

For those looking for an escape into a world of romance, adventure, and unforgettable characters, Sage's novels are a must-read. Whether you're a longtime fan of the genre or a newcomer looking for your next literary obsession, Sage's books offer something for everyone, from steamy romances to heartwarming love stories that will leave you smiling long after you've finished the last chapter.

As for upcoming projects, fans of Sage's work can look forward to the highly anticipated third installment in the "Rebel Blue Ranch Series," slated for release later this year. With promises of more passion, drama, and pulse-pounding romance, it's sure to be another must-read for fans of the genre.

Lyla Sage Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“Sugar, you deserve to go out on your own terms. Just 
because you got dusted doesn’t mean you’re done.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Emmy was worth the wait. I’d been waiting thirty-two 
years for her without even knowing it, and she’d been 
right in front of me the whole time.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“When it came to Emmy, I was playing with fire, but I 
would happily walk into the flames for her. And I’d have 
a smile on my face the whole damn time.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“if you don’t like the road you’re on, you can always 
pave a new one.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I couldn’t believe the universe was so big, and I got 
placed on this random floating rock at the same time as 
Clementine Ryder.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I took a pull of the whiskey before setting the bottle 
on my desk, but I didn’t swallow. I leaned into Emmy, my 
hand on her throat still keeping her pinned to my office 
door, and spit the whiskey in her mouth.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Sometimes, it was just easier for me to live under the 
piles rather than face what might be in them. It wasn’t 
logical, but my brain didn’t really work normally.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Some love stories burn hot and fast, but you two are 
more low and slow,” she said. “It’s a strong and steady 
kind of love.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Emmy Ryder might have been in like with me, but it was 
then that I knew I was falling in love with her.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Wes?” I called. “Yeah?” “You didn’t ask me why I came 
home.” “I don’t care why you’re here, only that you are.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I know being diagnosed with ADHD looks different for all 
of us, but if you’ve ever had a hard time explaining why 
you leave literally everything until the last minute, why 
you feel out of control, why your tongue feels like it 
doesn’t belong in in your mouth when the music is too 
loud, or any of the countless other things we feel that 
are apart of ADHD, you might see yourself in Done and 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“And Emmy wasn’t just pretty. She was extraordinary.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I’d spent the past few years trying to be something, and 
there was something about Emmy that made me believe I 
could get there.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I leaned into Emmy, my hand on her throat still keeping 
her pinned to my office door, and spit the whiskey in her 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“God, he was so gentle — so comforting. He talked to me 
the way people talk to plants when they want them to 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“It was hard to breathe, but not because I was panicking. 
It was because this man had quite literally taken my 
breath away.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“There was something in her eyes I hadn’t realized was 
missing when I’d looked at her before: fire. I started 
walking toward her, unable to help myself, ready to get 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“If you like who you are, why is it so hard to believe 
other people do too?” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“You're the moon and I’m the tides. You pull me in 
without even trying, and I come to you willingly. I 
always will.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“And your family is my family, Emmy, so even if you 
weren’t in my bar, you would be my business. You’ve 
always been my business, and you’ll always be my 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“She was Meadowlark’s sweetheart, a giant pain in the 
ass, and my best friend’s little sister.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Something about her just felt different. It felt good. I 
wanted to know where it could go, where we could go.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“You know, if you don’t like the road you’re on, you can 
always pave a new one.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I see you, Ada. I always see you, even when you won’t 
look at me.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“As far as friends went, I didn’t really have any–not 
because I didn’t want them, but because making friends as 
an adult is hard. Honestly, I enjoyed solitute, but 
there’s a difference between that and being lonely.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I followed my dreams, and they led me back to you.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“Today, I saw the only thing in my life I ever thought 
was prettier than Rebel Blue, and that was Emmy.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“My cowboy.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“The main character in Done and Dusted is named Emmy. 
Emmy and I don’t have that much in common, but like me, 
Emmy, has ADHD. The differences in the way our brains 
work can be subtle, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t 
exist or make an impact on the way we live our lives. I 
know being diagnosed with ADHD looks different for all of 
us, but if you’ve ever had a hard time explaining why you 
leave literally everything until the last minute, why you 
feel out of control, why your tongue feels like it 
doesn’t belong in in your mouth when the music is too 
loud, or any of the countless other things we feel that 
are apart of ADHD, you might see yourself in Done and 
Dusted. Emmy and I are right there with you. Happy 
reading, Lyla” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“My dad was like a river, steady and strong.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“She fit in my arms like she was made for them. I’d like 
to think she was.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“My dad was a Ford man. Personally, I had my issues with 
the guy who created the forty-hour work week, but that 
was neither here nor there.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Emmy never asks for anything. She just puts her head 
down and deals with things in the only way she knows how, 
by kicking shit around in her own brain. But she asked 
for you.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“You know, if you don’t like the road you’re on, you can 
always pave a new one.” “Who said that? Robert Frost?” 
Brooks smiled and shook his head. “Dolly Parton,” he 
responded. “Ah, God herself,” I said with a laugh.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“because in the morning, the neon glow would be gone, and 
Clementine Ryder would look like my best friend’s little 
sister again. Hopefully.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Seriously, Emmy. It’s okay to invite a little positive 
chaos into your world.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“She just fed me cheese and Diet Coke and let me sulk on 
her couch for a few hours.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Ada wasn’t just “on my mind,” she was in it — in every 
nook and cranny.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“You say you're not nice, or warm, or bright, or any of 
these other stupid fucking words that people use to 
describe the sun, but I never asked you to be thesun. I 
would rather have the moon anyway.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“When you're treated a certain way for so long, you start 
to believe that's how you should be treated. It left me 
feeling like there wasn't anything about me that someone 
could love.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“That’s what you want, sugar? For me to fuck you out here 
in the open?” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Yes. We need to make sure I get the present I wanted.” 
“And what’s that?” “Watching Luke Brooks fall to his 
knees the minute he sees you.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“white tank top, currently covered by my beloved 
shearling-lined denim jacket, and a black satin skirt 
from Teddy’s closet. The slit went a little higher than I 
was used to—right above mid-thigh—but I loved the way it 
made me feel. Sultry. I was wearing black cowboy boots 
that should never be within a ten-foot radius of a horse, 
but they were perfect for a night at the bar.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“The little things are the big things, Ada. They're 
thethings all the big things are made of I might not know 
you all the way, but I want to, and I'm just asking you 
to give me a chance to do that.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I kept an eye on Emmy throughout the night. Not in a 
creepy way–just in a “I really like you and think you’re 
the most beautiful woman alive” way.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I used to be fearless. Until I met Ada Hart. Now I had 
something that I was terrified to lose.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“Guess what? There wasn’t any piece of Emmy I didn’t 
like. I was so fucked.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“This place is mine. You’re the first person I’ve brought 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Thank you,” he continued, “for taking care of my baby 
girl.” “She can take care of herself,” I said. “I know 
she can, but you made sure she didn’t have to do it 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“You’re incredible,” he said. “I could bury myself inside 
of you every second of every day and never get tired of 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“When it came to Emmy, I was playing with fire, but I 
would happily walk into the flames for her.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“When she’s in my head, I can keep her safe.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“he wasn’t a cowboy. He’d never even been on a horse.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I wanted to know everything about her, including how 
she’d sound moaning my name.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Get dressed, Emmy,” he said firmly. He reached inside 
the cabin and shut the door, my cue to do what he said. 
God, he was so demanding sometimes. I wondered if he was 
like that in bed.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Warning: Dimples may appear and cause panty-dropping.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“Damn. What the hell were they putting in the water in 
Meadowlark, Wyoming?” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“There was nothing like the feeling of familiarity that 
only being around people you love can provide, and I 
loved Teddy in spades.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“blissfully normal.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Tequila it is, then,” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Let’s go. This place is fucking stupid, and a bitch 
isn’t worth this.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“You are earnest and talented, tenacious and funny. I 
would never insult you by calling you something as 
generic as nice.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“There she is,” he said.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Don’t even get me started on the fucking veins running 
down his forearms.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Personally, I had my issues with the guy who created the 
forty-hour work week, but that was neither here nor 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“But depression wasn't a logical disease. It was an 
unexpected cold front in the middle of July.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“Even when I was happy, I was thinking about when 
Iwouldn't be. Honestly, it was exhausting. It took up so 
much of my brain even though I recognized that there 
wasn't very much I could do about it.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I was grieving all of the parts of myself that I lost or 
gave up in the name of comfort because I would rather 
have been comfortable than happy. I chose to prioritize 
my false sense of security instead of me.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I’m not going to say what I want to say because I know 
you're not here yet, but I want you to know that I'm 
here. And that I’m waiting.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I would never have to wonder what it was like to be 
loved, because Weston Ryder would love me all the way.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“If you change your mind at any point, you tell me right 
away, okay?” He turned his head to place a gentle kiss on 
one of my palms. “I’m not going to,” I said. “Say that 
you’ll tell me if you change your mind.” His voice was 
firm. I loved it. “I’ll tell you.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“You’re like Mom. You’re very forgiving, and people will 
take advantage of you.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“It was hard to feel good enough when you never 
celebrated what you’d achieved.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I wanted the image of her on her knees with her red lips 
wrapped around my cock projected on my fucking 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I can’t stay away from you anymore.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I think you were made for me.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I cut off so many pieces of myself trying to fit into 
his box, and I was just starting to get all of them 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I know being diagnosed with ADHD looks different for all 
of us, but if you’ve ever had a hard time explaining why 
you leave literally everything until the last minute, why 
you feel out of control, why your tongue feels like it 
doesn’t belong in your mouth when the music is too loud, 
or any of the countless other things we feel that are a 
part of ADHD, you might see yourself in Done and Dusted.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I am a firm believer that if you pass them while you’re 
driving, you’re legally obligated to point at them and 
say “Cows!” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I would do anything, anywhere, anytime for Emmy Ryder.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dustedtags: romance-book-quotes 

“comments that said things like “Save a horse” and “That 
cowboy is hitting different.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“At his core, Weston Ryder was gentle, and I thought that 
was the best thing that a man could be.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I know you can get on this horse by yourself, Ryder.” 
His hands were still on my waist, and I could feel his 
breath on the back of my neck. He gave my waist a 
squeeze, and then let go. “So do it.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“I think Chance wanted power over somebody, and I mistook 
that for being cared for.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“I never felt like I knew how to connect, or speak the 
right language, always just to the left of the right 
social cue.” 
― Lyla Sage, Swift and Saddled 

“Alright, are we doing clear or dark liquor tonight?” 
Teddy asked me.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“It really is good to see you, Emmy. You look good, too. 
Real good.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Fuck. I’d been caught staring where I shouldn’t be 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“It didn’t matter how old I was–when Brooks was involved, 
I was thirteen years old again, watching an eighteen-year-
old him bale hay without a shirt.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

“Everything felt more mystifying bathed in neon.” 
― Lyla Sage, Done and Dusted 

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