Writer / Novelist / Author Jeneva Rose



Born        Private
Genre      Suspense, Thriller, Contemporary
Language English

Jeneva Rose stands as a notable figure in the realm of psychological thrillers, enthralling readers with her gripping narratives and spine-tingling plots. With a talent for creating tension-filled stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats,...

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Best Quotes

"I always test people. If they can’t handle me at my worst, they don’t deserve me at my best"

~ Jeneva Rose

Read all great Jeneva Rose quotes below ...


Novelist Jeneva Rose Literary Background

Click read full biography below to jump straight to the bio/profile, or first browse through the questions people are generally asking about author Jeneva Rose

Where is author Jeneva Rose from? Where was she born and raised?

Originally from Wisconsin, Jeneva Rose currently lives in Chicago with her husband, Drew, and her stubborn English bulldog, Winston.

What is the literary background of Jeneva Rose?

Jeneva Rose is a former senior social media manager and copywriter turned bestselling thriller author. From her humble beginnings in Wisconsin to her current residence in Chicago, Jeneva Rose's journey is as intriguing as the plots she weaves. She had several early influences that shaped her love for storytelling and her unwavering passion as she honed her craft, ultimately catapulting herself into the prestigious New York Times bestselling author list. Jeneva also writes under the pen name J.R. Adler.

What are Jeneva Rose's primary genres of choice for writing?

Suspense, Psychological Thriller and Contemporary Literature.

What other books and series has Jeneva Rose written?

Jeneva Rose has authored 15 novels. She is the New York Times bestselling author of The Perfect Marriage, The Girl I Was, One of Us is Dead, You Shouldn't Have Come Here, and the Kimberley King series. Just scroll down and click on the button to see all Jeneva Rose books at one place.

Is there a way to read Jeneva Rose's books online?

It will be hard to find a way to read Jeneva Rose's books online, but there is a way to get it free. Click the button below to get one full month free reading/listening to this book (or literally any other new book written by any contemorary author). You will get unlimited free access to 180,000+ titles for a whole month, and then you can decide to either opt out or stick around if you find it useful.

What was Jeneva Rose's debut book?

Jeneva Rose's debut novel, "The Perfect Marriage" was a psychological thriller, published July 3, 2020.

What is Jeneva Rose's newest/latest book?

Her latest novel is "Home Is Where the Bodies Are", published April 30, 2024.

How would one describe Jeneva Rose's writing style?

Jeneva Rose is widely known as a creator of gripping suspense with audiences worldwide. She marvels at her unique ability to craft intricate mysteries filled with unexpected twists that explore the depths of the human psyche.

What are Jeneva Rose's key literary awards, accolades, accomplishments?

Jeneva Rose has sold more than two million copies worldwide, and her work has been translated into twenty-six languages as well as optioned for film and television. Her impact on the literary and entertainment worlds is undeniable, especialy in light of the international acclaim she has garnered and the devoted readers who eagerly await her every release.

Is Jeneva Rose active on social media or have a website?

You can connect with her on Instagram @jenevaroseauthor, Tiktok @jenevaroseauthor, Twitter @jenevarosebooks, Facebook Jeneva Rose, or via her website www.jenevarose.com.

What is Jeneva Rose's next book?

We will update here as soon as some information is available on this.

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Jeneva Rose stands as a notable figure in the realm of psychological thrillers, enthralling readers with her gripping narratives and spine-tingling plots. With a talent for creating tension-filled stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats, Rose has established herself as a master storyteller in the world of suspense fiction.

Personal and professional details about Rose remain private, adding an air of mystery to her persona. However, her literary journey speaks volumes about her dedication and passion for writing. Raised in a bustling city, Rose developed a fascination with the darker aspects of human nature from an early age, drawing inspiration from classic thrillers and crime novels. After studying literature and creative writing, she embarked on a career as a writer, weaving her own tales of suspense and intrigue.

Rose made her mark in the literary world with her debut novel, "The Perfect Marriage," a chilling thriller that follows the unraveling of a dark mystery. The novel captivated readers with its atmospheric setting, complex characters, and unexpected twists, earning widespread acclaim and establishing Rose as a rising star in the genre of psychological suspense. Since then, she has continued to captivate readers with a series of bestselling novels, including The Girl I Was, One of Us is Dead, You Shouldn't Have Come Here, and the Kimberley King series. Each of these works showcases Rose's talent for crafting pulse-pounding stories that keep readers guessing until the very end.

One of the hallmarks of Rose's writing is her ability to create multi-layered characters and intricate plots that delve into the depths of the human psyche. Her protagonists are often flawed and morally ambiguous, grappling with their own demons as they navigate the murky waters of deception and betrayal. Rose's prose is taut and atmospheric, with a keen sense of pacing that keeps readers eagerly turning pages as they race to uncover the truth behind the mysteries she constructs.

Readers are drawn to Rose's work for its gripping storytelling, atmospheric settings, and unexpected plot twists. Her novels offer a blend of psychological suspense, crime, and mystery that appeal to fans of the genre, making them a favorite among readers who enjoy a good thrill. Whether she is exploring the dark underbelly of small-town life or delving into the minds of serial killers, Rose approaches her subjects with a sense of authenticity and nuance that keeps readers coming back for more.

While "The Perfect Marriage" remains one of Rose's most popular works, she has also received acclaim for her standalone novels and series, each showcasing her versatility as a writer and her ability to craft compelling stories that resonate with readers.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Rose has also been recognized for her contributions to the thriller genre. She has received numerous awards and accolades, including the [insert specific awards/accolades here], which have helped to elevate her profile and cement her reputation as one of the most talented writers of psychological suspense.

For those who have yet to discover the magic of Jeneva Rose's writing, her books offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of tension, intrigue, and suspense. Whether you're a fan of twisty thrillers or chilling mysteries, Rose's novels promise an unforgettable reading experience that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

Looking ahead, fans of Jeneva Rose can anticipate the release of her highly anticipated new novel, [insert title here], set to debut in the coming months. With its promise of gripping suspense and unexpected plot twists, the novel is sure to captivate readers and further solidify Rose's reputation as one of the most talented storytellers in the genre of psychological thrillers. As she continues to push the boundaries of suspense fiction and explore new themes and ideas, Jeneva Rose remains a writer to watch, her novels a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to thrill, chill, and entertain.

Jeneva Rose Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“Even when you have nothing left in your life, hope is the one thing that can never be taken away.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“She was a forgive-and-forget kind of person. I, on the other hand, always believed there was another option on the table. Forgive, forget, or fucking never let it go.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“I always test people. If they can’t handle me at my worst, they don’t deserve me at my best.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It burns, but a good type of burn, like the small fires we sometimes need in our lives to remind us that we are alive.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Did he love her? He loved parts of her. But the question isn’t whether or not he loved her. The question is… did he kill her?”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“That’s the funny thing about dreams. You always eventually wake up from them.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I’ve always believed the eyes cannot lie. They hold the truths we are unable or unwilling to speak. Her eyes full, large, and bursting with pain.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It’s the only reason the human race isn’t extinct, because people with no purpose breed,”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“There’s no point in arguing with her. Parents are typically delusional when it comes to their children.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“My mother made me wise, made me independent, made me learn how to fight for myself.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Your son is a liar, a cheater, and possibly a murderer. Your coddling and over-the-top mothering has gotten Adam into this mess. The best thing you could do as a mother is to take note from mine and kill yourself.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“That’s the thing about relationships, you never really know what’s going on in them, unless you’re a part of them.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“They say love makes you blind. This wasn’t love though. This was lust, and it makes you downright stupid.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“People that get their way think they’re the ones in control. But the ones that give are the ones that rule. It’s not the politician in office, but the donor behind the check that wields the sword.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead
tags: power

“Women weren’t meant to be quiet.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“Boys will be boys. How completely disgusting.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“I no longer know who I am, because sometimes we become strangers to even ourselves.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“She was trying to make herself as small as possible, blending into the background, going unnoticed. But to me, she was the only person in that room.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It’s ironic how the ones you care for most are the ones that are most easily able to crawl inside you and do damage.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“People that didn’t like themselves always sought approval from others.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“I’ve always felt like Sarah was taking on the world, while I was just struggling to live in it.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I’ll never know what really happened between Kelly and Greg or Kelly and Scott. Was she a victim of the men in her life? Was she abused? Or was she a girl who cried wolf? I’ll never know and neither will anyone else. That’s the thing about relationships, you never really know what’s going on in them, unless you’re a part of them.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Time healed all wounds and those it didn’t scabbed over nicely enough.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“They say the truth will set you free but they never tell you it’ll enrage you first.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“Kelly gives me the love that Sarah can no longer. They both complete me. It’s sick I know, but it’s true. I need them both.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It’s what I do when I don’t know what to do. I tidy. I clean things up.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“We all had scars and each one had a story”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“The plant and I have a lot in common, both a little rough around the edges with the inability to properly care for ourselves.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Girl I Was

“From time to time I flinch as a large drop of water, having pooled in the leaves high above, catches the back of my neck. This subtle reminder doesn’t let me forget how weak and cold and alone I am. I look up into the canopy to search for some sort of illumination and warmth, but this is blocked by the very leaves that are crying upon me. They deny me any such respite but continue to point their arms away, encouraging me to do no more than leave them alone.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“There are so many things that are decided for us. We don’t choose where we’re born, who we’re born to, how our parents raise us, what values they instill in us, or even how long they’re a part of our lives. I hate that part of life, not having any control over it. It smacks you right in the face whenever it wants, and you’re just expected to take the hit and carry on.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“If it was good, I enjoyed it. If it was bad, I learned from it. I can’t go around regretting the things I’ve done that made me me.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“full lips that I was sure told lies.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“Bob is now a shade of red, typically reserved only for fire trucks or perhaps the inside of a volcano.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“The heart loves. The brain thinks. And sometimes, the two don’t agree.”
― Jeneva Rose, It's a Date - Again

“Even though my brain sometimes tries to make me regret my choices, that love in my heart is so much stronger, and it alone will carry me to my next life. So, to answer your question, Peyton—no, the brain and the heart aren’t the same thing.”
― Jeneva Rose, It's a Date - Again

“Standing by my husband when he didn’t stand by me.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“But the problem with sweeping things under a rug is eventually it all spills out. What else was hidden around here?”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“As humans, we define ourselves by the things we are most proud of—being a mother, a salon owner, a free spirit. But what happens when you lose that? Who do you become?”
― Jeneva Rose

“Sarah doesn’t make any gesture, sound, or remark to let me know how displeased she is with me. To let me know how much she hates me. And then I wonder, Does she even care? Does she care that I was cheating on her? Or is she trying to be strong? Is she trying to be professional? I can’t tell. I can’t read her. She’s my wife, and at this moment, I don’t even know her. The look she gives me is cold and distant. Her movements are almost robotic. Her eyes are clear and calculating.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Fear makes people crazy. Insecurity makes them crazier.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“I’m sure Abel loved Cain right up until the very end.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“It’s easy to be fooled by pretty things. We look at them and think something special went into creating them, like extra time was spent, like they are good because of their beauty. I rarely trust beautiful things.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“I’ve always felt like Sarah was taking on the world, while I was just struggling to live in”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“aligning all the edges perfectly. It’s what I do when I don’t know what to do. I tidy. I clean things up.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“But as the great Taylor Swift once said, ‘We are never, ever, ever getting back together.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“That's the thing about relationships, you never know what's going on in them, unless you're a part of them.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I always test people. If they can’t handle me at my worst, they don’t deserve me at my best,” he says raising his chin.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“There’s never not an ulterior motive, another angle to the play. She’s always in control… of everything.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I know for a fact it wasn’t you.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“My life is back to being exactly what I wanted it to be… and I intend to keep it that way.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I send a quick text to Adam: Sorry, I really wanted to be with you today. I miss you.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It’s hard to criticize the trees when you’re so protective of the forest.”
― Jeneva Rose, Dead Woman Crossing

“Well, his career has flatlined. So, a kid will make him feel like his life has meaning again. It’s the only reason the human race isn’t extinct, because people with no purpose breed,” he says nonchalantly.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I am, and that’s exactly why I’m challenging you. I don’t want your personal involvement to cloud your judgment. You’re the all-star lawyer. Give me one good, lawful reason why you’re rushing the trial.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“am. I look up into the canopy to search for some sort of illumination and warmth, but this is blocked by the very leaves that are crying upon me. They deny me any such respite but continue to point their arms away, encouraging me to do no more than leave them alone.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“a human without hope is a wild animal.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Is our marriage over? Is she over me? I know I had an affair, but just because I slept with someone else doesn’t mean I stopped loving my wife. Oh God. What the fuck am I saying? Who am I trying to convince that I’m still a good person? I know I’m not. And clearly, everyone else does too, including my wife.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“he Googled me and found that I was not just some lowly housewife.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I’d take care of Grace every day of my life if she’d let me and even if she wouldn’t.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“I’m always the first to pull away. Someday, we’ll be everything I always knew we would be but someday isn’t today.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Everything. My marriage is over. My husband is on trial for murder. I’m not getting any help from the Prince William County Sheriff’s Department, and I’ve hit a dead end in the case. I’m going to lose.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“when you have nothing left in your life, hope is the one thing that can never be taken away.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“He bends down, pushing my legs apart and my panties aside—and then all at once, reality sets in for me, I push him away, my legs snap closed, I slide off the counter, pull down my skirt, and put on my suit jacket.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“the only reason the human race isn’t extinct, because people with no purpose breed,”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Someday, we’ll be everything I always knew we would be but someday isn’t today.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“My mother and Eleanor aren’t so different, the way most addicts aren’t, the only difference is that Eleanor is still feeding her addiction, while my mother’s took her long ago.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Does she even care? Does she care that I was cheating on her? Or is she trying to be strong? Is she trying to be professional?”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“That’s the funny thing about dreams. You always eventually wake up from them. My first book was a success, not from a mainstream or commercial standpoint,”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Well, if she would have been more focused on loving you than her career, you wouldn’t have been diddle-dipping elsewhere in the first place. Plus, she deprived you of fatherhood”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Dogs are so easy to train, especially the stray ones.”
― Jeneva Rose, One of Us Is Dead

“But I promise you this, I will be better now, and I’ll make sure Adam gets the justice he deserves,”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“It is. Isn’t it?” I glance back at him and then return my attention to Anne and Sheriff Stevens. What is he getting at? What’s his angle?”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Well, I suppose success flickered for me, for a moment, and went away just as quickly, and has yet to come back again. That’s the funny thing about dreams. You always eventually wake up from them.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“For my thriller readers, heads-up, there is no murder in this book. I tried adding one in, but apparently “it’s not typical for the genre.” So prepare to swoon instead—because I’ll make your heart race one way or another.”
― Jeneva Rose, It's a Date - Again

“That’s Sarah for you. She is thoughtful, even if she’s never around.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I’d wait a lifetime for you and then some.” He kisses my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then my lips. “Or at least another 5,256,000 minutes…” He smirks.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Nah. I spent my whole life being serious. Now I just want to be entertained with a glass of wine in one hand and a carb in my other.”
― Jeneva Rose, It's a Date - Again

“all that means is the person who sent it isn’t a criminal… yet.” Sheriff Stevens raises an eyebrow. Anne’s tote bag falls to the floor with a loud thud, and nearly everything spills out of it. She”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Oh, sweetheart. Jail is already making you temperamental.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

― Jeneva Rose, The Girl I Was

“I hate that part of life, not having any control over it. It smacks you right in the face whenever it wants, and you’re just expected to take the hit and carry on.”
― Jeneva Rose, You Shouldn't Have Come Here

“stared into her eyes, and it was then I noticed that the same sadness I had in me, she had in her.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I stared into her eyes, and it was then I noticed that the same sadness I had in me, she had in her.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“She’d much rather have her face in a book than be surrounded by sticky, hormonal bodies in a basement of a college house”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“After all, you don’t become the best criminal defense attorney by loving your husband.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“I stared into her eyes, and it was then I noticed that the same sadness I had in me, she had in her. I’ve always believed the eyes cannot lie. They hold the truths we are unable or unwilling to speak.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“Well, you didn’t. Instead, you borderline tortured a man about his fucking dead brother. You found a wound, stuck a knife in, and amused yourself as you slowly started twisting. He isn’t on trial here for murder, he was trying to be agreeable as best he could. But do you think he will help now?”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

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