Writer / Novelist / Author Janie Chang



Born        Taiwan
Category      Historical Fiction, Coming of Age Story
Language English

Janie Chang, the acclaimed author behind captivating tales such as "Dragon Springs Road" and "Three Souls," is a master storyteller whose literary prowess has enchanted readers worldwide. With a blend of historical fiction, magical realism, and rich ...

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Best Quotes

"Myths are the darkest and brightest incarnations of who we are. They slip into our dreams and underpin our reality. Perhaps that’s why the gods judged the Library of Legends worthy of special protection. ― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends"

~ Janie Chang

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Janie Chang, the acclaimed author behind captivating tales such as "Dragon Springs Road" and "Three Souls," is a master storyteller whose literary prowess has enchanted readers worldwide. With a blend of historical fiction, magical realism, and rich cultural tapestries, Chang weaves narratives that transport readers to mesmerizing realms filled with intrigue, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

Born in Taiwan and raised in the Philippines, Chang's multicultural background infuses her writing with a deep appreciation for diverse traditions and perspectives. After immigrating to Canada, she pursued a career in technology before following her passion for storytelling. Drawing inspiration from her heritage and personal experiences, Chang embarked on a literary journey that has garnered widespread acclaim and adoration.

Chang's literary repertoire encompasses a diverse array of works, each imbued with her signature blend of lyrical prose and evocative storytelling. Her debut novel, "Three Souls," transports readers to 1935 Shanghai, where a young woman navigates the afterlife in a quest for redemption and love. This poignant tale of resilience and reincarnation captivated readers with its vivid depiction of historical China and profound exploration of love and loss.

Following the success of "Three Souls," Chang enchanted readers once again with "Dragon Springs Road," a mesmerizing saga set against the backdrop of 20th-century China. Seamlessly blending elements of fantasy and folklore with rich historical detail, Chang's second novel explores themes of identity, belonging, and the enduring bonds of friendship amidst the tumultuous landscape of Chinese history.

What sets Chang apart as an author is her ability to seamlessly interweave elements of mythology, folklore, and history into her narratives, creating immersive worlds that resonate with readers long after the final page is turned. Her unique storytelling style captivates audiences, transporting them to faraway lands steeped in mystery and magic.

Readers are drawn to Chang's evocative prose, intricate plots, and deeply human characters. Her ability to seamlessly blend genres and explore universal themes with authenticity and depth has earned her a dedicated following of readers eager to embark on her literary journeys time and time again.

Among Chang's most renowned works, "Three Souls" and "Dragon Springs Road" stand out as shining examples of her literary prowess. These novels have garnered critical acclaim and a loyal readership, cementing Chang's reputation as a masterful storyteller with a unique voice and vision.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Chang has received numerous accolades and awards for her work, including nominations for the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize and the International Dublin Literary Award. Her novels have been translated into multiple languages, further expanding her global reach and influence.

For those seeking immersive storytelling, rich historical detail, and thought-provoking narratives, Janie Chang's books are a must-read. Whether delving into the mystical realms of "Three Souls" or embarking on a journey through the turbulent landscapes of "Dragon Springs Road," readers are sure to be spellbound by Chang's captivating tales.

Looking ahead, fans can anticipate another literary masterpiece from Janie Chang in the coming months. With her upcoming release, "The Phoenix Crown," Chang promises to once again transport readers to a world of intrigue and magic, weaving a spellbinding narrative that will undoubtedly captivate audiences far and wide. As anticipation mounts for her latest offering, readers can rest assured that Janie Chang's storytelling prowess will continue to shine brightly, illuminating the literary landscape with tales of wonder and enchantment.

Janie Chang Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“That’s the trouble when you’re young, my hun soul says. You 
think you have all the time in the world. You think the world 
will wait until you’re ready.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“Have you noticed ... that he actually hadn't made any promises 
to you?”
― Janie Chang

“We can't control other's fates, we can barely manage our own. 
But we can hope for tomorrow. Tomorrow we can hope for rebirth.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“So many poems about the moon, but what about the stars?" 
Professor Kang said, breaking into her thoughts. "The moon comes 
and goes through its cycles but the stars always shine for us, 
constant and true. We should honor them more.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“If you believed only what the stories say, you'd think we do 
nothing but wreak mischief.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Maybe it's because legends are truer to our natures than serious 
literature. Maybe myths and legends reveal more about us than 
poetry or epic histories.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“He enjoys reading film magazines."
Gaoyin pursed her lips. In our family, that made Tienzhen 
practically illiterate.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“Why is Anna Karenina considered such a great novel? It's all 
about adultery and the unhappiness it causes, nothing unusual 
in novels, surely."
"The novel's about family relationships, class, and social 
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“The best gardens are created through the art of deception, 
says Fox. Gardens should employ the art of the large in the 
small and the small in the large, providing for the real in 
the unreal and the unreal in the real.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Enjoyment comes from wandering through a series of vistas, 
from noticing how bamboo shadows cast against a whitewashed wall 
create a scene or how latticework openings in a wall play a role 
in the illusion of shadow and light. The visitor is unaware and 
uncaring of the garden’s boundaries, barely glimpsed through pine 
and bamboo, obscured so that the garden appears endless…”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Not the stout balding man. Not a Nikolai. A Vronsky.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“Myths are the darkest and brightest incarnations of who we are. 
They slip into our dreams and underpin our reality. Perhaps that's 
why the gods judged the Library of Legends worthy of special 
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“But she has hope. And therefore persistence," Sparrow said. 
"The persistence of water, no matter how small a trickle, 
eventually wears a path through rock. And eternity is more porous 
than rock.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“If I'd taken Fox's powers, I could've lived for hundreds of 
years, known and loved many people. But then I would've had to 
watch them die of illnessor old age. How many different kinds of 
pain can there be? How much loss can the human heart endure?
I knew why those other foxes, once human, had wanted to die. 
Their hearts had remained human een though they wielded the 
powers of a fox. They were ready to die because they had lost 
too many loved ones over the centuries, because they had suffered 
such an accumulation of blows to the heart that all love had been 
beaten out of them, all joy turned to ash.
It was better to tread my own path in life as a human.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“It's easier not to love, Fox had said.
Yet Fox had loved her human friends, of this I was certain. She 
loved my mother, loved me. How long could anyone live, even an 
immortal, without giving in to love?”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“You've suffered enough for three lifetimes, Mama," I said. 
"You desere to go through. But I want to live at least one 
lifetime in this world. I'll be all right.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Gardens should employ the art of the large int he small and 
the small in the arg, providing for the real in the unreal and 
the unreal in the real.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“How can you tell whether anyone is truly good or evil? I've 
been a Fox for hundreds of years and from what I've seen it 
takes generations before consequences truly run their course.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“He gave no reason, but in families such as ours, when it 
comes to shame, it's possible to gauge with exquisite precision 
its depth and degree by the surrounding silence. In Sueyin's 
case, the silence was absolute, her disgrace unredeemable.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“Now that I'm dead, why bother feeling ashamed? Yes, I admit 
to lust.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

“Disasters were inevitable and China's history was rife with 
plagues and famine, floods and earthquakes. And there had been 
so many wars. Wars between petty kings and rival generals, 
bandit armies and invading hordes. More recently, revolution.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“But tales alter over time, anyway," Sparrow said. "In the 
marketplace or their own homes, storytellers shape narratives 
to suit their audience and the times. They add and remove 
details, even change the moral of the story. Yet each version 
is authentic.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“When the Palace gates close, the gods and guardian spirits 
will leave your skies. The constellations will shine as before, 
but they will be just what your scientists say they are, 
flaming balls of gas and rock. People might continue to pray, 
but whatever boons or burdens follow will not come from the 
gods. They will be of your own making.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“When a man lives a life of good deeds, he earns a better life 
in his next reincarnation," he said, in a rush to explain. "He 
might be richer or happier in his family life. When he does 
evil, his next reincarnation punishes him with poorer 
circumstances. But life after life, the Prince has been 
reincarnated to much the same status as before. It means he's 
done nothing good or bad in each life to tip the scales enough 
either way to merit change. He neither advances nor worsens. 
It means he's lived a passive existence every single time. How 
is that even possible?”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“The only thing you can count on is that the gods make other 
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Knowledge sharpens your wits.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“I want to live at least one lifetime in this world.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“Not a single breath of air stirred in the light fabric at the 
windows. Moonlight flooded the garden with a cold radiance that 
slivered every leaf and glittered the gravel path. Shanghai was 
exciting, but it was too dense, too clamorous. Even though my 
little house was sheltered behind brick walls, I always sensed 
an undercurrent of noise, the hum of traffic from busy Avenue 
Joffre a few blocks away. I missed the quiet of evenings at 
Dragon Springs Road, when you could hear the rustle of vines as 
the air cooled and breezes lifted, when a restful silence 
descended, encouraging nocturnal creatures to venture out.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“To slip through crowds unseen in the daytime, then run at night 
beneath moonlight and clouds. To be free of the fear of hunger, 
the encumbrance of illness. To shape my features so that I would 
never again hear the taunts of zazhong. To dazzle any man and make 
him love me. The conquest of the unreal over the real.”
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“irrationally fearful. She turned her eyes away as”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“There was nothing to forgive, nothing to explain. Her love 
washed over me to erase all the years that had come between us.”
― Janie Chang

“Her devotion required no effort from Shao.”
― Janie Chang, The Library of Legends

“I don't believe in happy endings. It's enough to feel life so 
― Janie Chang, Dragon Springs Road

“a woman’s true value is measured by the size of her dowry.”
― Janie Chang, Three Souls

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