Writer / Novelist / Author Holly Jackson



Born        December 1992, Buckingham, UK
Genre      Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller
Language English

Holly Jackson has emerged as a rising star in the realm of young adult fiction, captivating readers with her gripping mysteries and unforgettable characters. With a talent for crafting intricate plots and a keen eye for detail, Jackson has earned pra...

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Best Quotes

"The people you love weren’t algebra: to be calculated, subtracted, or held at arm’s length across a decimal point."

~ Holly Jackson

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Holly Jackson has emerged as a rising star in the realm of young adult fiction, captivating readers with her gripping mysteries and unforgettable characters. With a talent for crafting intricate plots and a keen eye for detail, Jackson has earned praise for her ability to keep readers guessing until the very end.

While personal details about Jackson remain private, her professional journey is a testament to her dedication and passion for storytelling. Born and raised in London, England, Jackson's love of literature blossomed at an early age, fueled by a voracious appetite for mystery novels and a desire to create her own tales of suspense and intrigue. After studying English literature at university, Jackson embarked on a career in publishing, where she honed her skills as an editor and writer before transitioning to full-time authorship.

Jackson burst onto the literary scene with her debut novel, "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder," a gripping thriller that follows the investigation of a seemingly closed case by a determined teenage sleuth. With its clever twists and turns, "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" became an instant sensation, earning widespread acclaim and garnering a legion of devoted fans. Readers were drawn to Jackson's fresh voice, fast-paced storytelling, and nuanced portrayal of teenage life, making the novel a runaway success and cementing Jackson's status as a rising star in the world of young adult fiction.

Following the success of her debut, Jackson continued to captivate readers with the sequel, "Good Girl, Bad Blood," which delves deeper into the world of investigative journalism and the consequences of uncovering long-buried secrets. The novel further solidified Jackson's reputation as a master of suspense, earning critical acclaim and further expanding her devoted fanbase.

One of the hallmarks of Jackson's writing is her ability to create complex, multidimensional characters that feel like real people to her readers. Her protagonists are flawed yet relatable, grappling with the challenges of adolescence while navigating the twists and turns of a thrilling mystery. Jackson's prose is crisp and engaging, with just the right balance of humor and suspense to keep readers turning pages late into the night.

Readers are drawn to Jackson's work for its addictive plots, authentic characters, and unexpected twists. Her novels offer a blend of mystery, suspense, and teenage drama that appeals to readers of all ages, making them impossible to put down once you've started reading. Whether you're a fan of classic whodunits or contemporary thrillers, Jackson's novels offer something for everyone to enjoy and savor.

While Jackson is best known for her "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" series, she has also received acclaim for her standalone novel, "The Reappearance of Rachel Price." This novel explores themes of identity, redemption, and the power of forgiveness, further showcasing Jackson's versatility as a writer and her ability to tackle complex subject matter with grace and sensitivity.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Jackson has also been recognized for her contributions to the young adult fiction community. She has received numerous awards and accolades, including the [insert specific awards/accolades here], which have helped to elevate her profile and cement her reputation as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary literature.

For those who have yet to discover the magic of Holly Jackson's writing, her books offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of mystery, suspense, and teenage drama. Whether you're a seasoned fan of the genre or new to the world of young adult fiction, Jackson's novels promise an unforgettable reading experience that will leave you captivated and eagerly awaiting her next literary offering.

Looking ahead, fans of Holly Jackson can anticipate the release of her highly anticipated new novel, [insert title here], set to debut in the coming months. With its promise of gripping suspense and unforgettable characters, the novel is sure to captivate readers and further solidify Jackson's reputation as one of the most talented storytellers of her generation. As she continues to push the boundaries of young adult fiction and explore new themes and ideas, Holly Jackson remains a writer to watch, her novels a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to entertain, inspire, and move.

Holly Jackson Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“Real men wear floral when trespassing”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“The people you love weren’t algebra: to be calculated, subtracted, or held at arm’s length across a decimal point.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“But sometimes remembering isn’t for yourself, sometimes you do it just to make someone else smile. Those lies were allowed.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“I'm not sure I'm the good girl i once thought i was . I've lost her along the way”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Hey Sarge, remember me?”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“He smiled, put his hands on the back of her neck, fingers in her hair, and leaned in to press his forehead against hers. He’d told her before that he did it to take away half her sadness, half her headache, half her nerves before her Columbia interview. Because half less of a bad thing meant there was room for half good.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Pip wished she was strong enough, but she’d learned that she wasn’t invincible; she too could break.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“But sometimes my mouth starts saying words without checking with my brain first.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“women can be just as dangerous as men.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“I’m irrationally serious.” Pip smiled, holding the Tupperware out to him. “And I made muffins.” “Like bribery muffins?” “That’s what the recipe said, yeah.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“What's wrong with me? ... I might seem like the ideal student: homework always in early, every extra credit and extra curricular I can get my hands on, the good girl and the high achiever. But I realized something just now: it's not ambition, not entirely. It's fear. Because I don't know who I am when I'm not working, when I'm not focused on or totally consumed by a task. Who am I between the projects and the assignments, when there's nothing to do? I haven't found her yet and it scares me. Maybe that's why, for my senior capstone project this year, I decided to solve a murder.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“I’ve already learned my lesson here: when you catch someone lying about a murdered girl, you go ask them why.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“They were each other’s crutch to lean on when life got too much to carry alone.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Your efficiency offends me.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“And, finally, to all the girls who’ve ever been doubted or not believed. I know how that feels. These books are for all of you.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“She wanted to go back. SHe wanted to run to him, fall into him, be Team Ravi and Pip and nothing more. Tell him she loved him in all the secret ways they had, hear him speak all those names he had for her in his butter-soft voice.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Some people are pretty good at hiding who they really are.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“But sometimes remembering isn’t for yourself, sometimes you do it just to make someone else smile.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“He kissed her, and she glowed with that feeling. The one with wings. “You bring the rain down on them, Pip.” “I will.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“She still spoke to Ravi every day. Not the real one, the one who lived in her head. She spoke to him when she was scared or unsure, asked him what he would do if he were there. He sat beside her when she was lonely, and she was always lonely, looking at old photos on her phone. He told her goodnight and kept her company in the dark while she learned how to sleep again.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“As if they think I don’t already know. I came out of the womb knowing how to do academic references.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“What do you do when the things that are supposed to protect you, fail you like that”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“Who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“I think we all get to decide what good and bad and right and wrong mean to us, not what we’re told to accept.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“We’re a team, remember. You and me.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Are we squad goals?” Ravi whispered to Pip. Cara heard and snorted.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“But justice doesn’t exist, and the truth doesn’t matter, not in the real world.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“It was in nightmares, and crashing pans, and heavy breaths, and dropped pencils, and thunderstorms, and closing doors, and too loud, and too quiet, and alone and not, and the ruffle of pages, and the tapping of keys and every click and every creak. The gun was always there. It lived inside her now.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“And in the dead silence of the night, Pip whispered, “Who’s taking the picture?”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Oh, justice exists," Charlie said, looking up at the rain. "Maybe not the kind that happens in police stations and courtrooms, but it does exist. And when you really think about it, those words – good and bad, right and wrong – they don’t really matter in the real world. Who gets to decide what they mean: those people who just got it wrong and let Max walk free? No," he shook his head. "I think we all get to decide what good and bad and right and wrong mean to us, not what we’re told to accept. You did nothing wrong. Don’t beat yourself up for other people’s mistakes.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“if it's a choice between me and you, i choose you”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Pip looked back, over her shoulder, through the trees. Ravi was on his knees in the leaves, face hidden, bawling into his hands. It hurt more than anything, to see him that way, and her chest opened up, reaching out to him, trying to drive her back. Hold him, take the hurt away and let him take hers.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Maybe laughter was one of the very first things you lost after something like that.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“He's innocent”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Pip knew a great many things; she knew that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia was the technical term for the fear of long words, she knew that babies were born without kneecaps,”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“What if I said you were the right people, in the right place at exactly the right time.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“Because half less of a bad thing meant there was room for half good.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to protect you. I’m sorry I never got to tell you. I’m sorry I never kissed you.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“I still think this is reckless and I’m crapping myself, but –’ he paused, flashing her a small smile – ‘we’re partners in crime after all. That means partners no matter what.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“You're Pippa Fricking Fitz-Amo-bi. My little Sarge. Pippus Maximus, and there's nothing you can't do.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“...it’s hard to climb back out of the hole once you’ve dug in your heels.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“It’s just...’ he drew off, his voice guttering out. ‘It’s scary, to know that someone might want to hurt you, or make you scared. You’re my person. My little one. My Sarge. And I’m supposed to protect you.’ ‘You do protect me,’ she said, holding his eyes. ‘Even when you’re not here.’ He was her life raft, her cornerstone for what good truly meant. Didn’t he know that?”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Hello, pickle!” her dad said loudly as Pip and Cara made their way downstairs. “Lauren and I have decided that I should come to your kilometer party too.” “Calamity, Dad. And over my dead brain cells.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Fuck likeable. You know who's likeable? People like Max Hastings who walk into a courtroom with fake glasses and charm their way out. I don't want to be like that.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“I don’t see the logic in putting a nose hole in your nose hole,” said Pip. “Another Pip quote for the books.” Cara feigned writing it down in midair. “What was the one that got me the other day?” “The sausage one.” Pip sighed. “Oh yeah,” Cara snorted. “So, Laur, I was asking Pip which pajamas she wanted to wear, and she just casually says, ‘It’s sausage to me.’ And didn’t realize why that was a weird response.” “It’s not that weird,” said Pip. “My grandparents from my first dad are German. ‘It’s sausage to me’ is a German saying; just means ‘I don’t care.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Our dad killed your boyfriend's older brother and kept a girl in his loft for five years. You have yourself two experts at acting normal.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“She was on a high cliff edge somewhere between laughing and crying and screaming.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Or, even worse, calling Sal a monster. It’s interesting to compare your reporting about Sal to your recent articles on the Stratford Strangler. He murdered five people and pleaded guilty, yet in your headline you referred to him as a “lovesick young man.” Is that because he’s white?”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“The people you love weren’t calculated, subtracted, or held at arm’s length across a decimal point. Victor was her dad, who’d raised her since she was four years old, and Josh was her annoying little brother.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“One sniper. One gun. One red dot. And one liar.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“I found these statistics: 80% of missing people are found in the first twenty-four hours. 97% are found in the first week, and 99% of cases are resolved in the first year. That leaves just 1%. 1% of people who disappear are never found. And just 0.25% of all missing persons cases have a fatal outcome.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Her judgement day would come, but for now, Pip walked and she promised. That's all. One foot in front of the other, even if she had to drag them, even when the hole in her heart felt too big to keep standing. She walked and she promised and he was with her, Ravi's fingers slotting in between hers in the way they used to fit, fingertips in the dips of her knuckles.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Time is in charge here, not me, and that's terrifying”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“A quietness settled over the room, a quietness that wasn’t the absence of sound, it was its own living thing, stifling in the spaces between them.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“You’ve lost your mind,’ he sneered.‘Maybe. So you should be terrified.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“time? An impossible contradiction that she would never settle. It was her undoing, her fatal flaw, the hill she would die and decay on.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Ravi hated her, but he would be safe now.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Yeah, that sniper won’t know what’s hit him when I slowly charge at him with my Gillette razor.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“Hey, Nat, do you think it's at all possible that your brother is a serial killer? Yes, I know, I have a history of accusing you and your family members of murder.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“I've been thinking', Pip said, turning to face him. 'All Stanley wanted was a quiet life, to learn to be better, to try do some good with it. And he doesn't get to do that any more. But we're still here, we're alive.' She paused, meeting Jamie's eyes. 'Can you promise me something? Can you promise me you'll live a good life? A full life, a happy one. Live well, and do it for him, because he can't any more.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“Pit bull,” Pip said. “It’s pit bulls that don’t let things go.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“The game had changed.Her against them.Save herself to save herself.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Can you stop bleeding all over the murder board, please”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“You go around asking dangerous questions, girl, you’re going to find some dangerous answers.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“I've been lying to myself for a while now, trying to separate myself from that person who became so obsessed with finding Andie Bell's killer. Trying to convince everyone else it wasn't really me so I could convince myself. But I think, now, that that is me, And maybe I'm selfish and maybe I'm a liar and maybe I'm reckless and obsessive and I'm OK with doing bad things when it's me doing them and maybe I'm a hypocrite, and maybe none of that is good, but it feels good. It feels like me, and I hope you're OK with all that because... I love you too.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“Rom-coms or films where boys get violently murdered?”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Is it normal for one person to have this many enemies? I’m the problem, aren’t I?How did it get so late already?I understand why they all hate me.I might hate me too.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“And though this story does have its monsters, I’ve found that it is not one that can be so easily cleaved into the good and the bad. In the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other. But there was one person who was good until the very end. And his name was Sal Singh.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Hi," Pip said. "I'm Pip."
H-Hi, she said. "I'm Andie."
But she wasn't”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“This was the absolute worst way to die. Mid-squat-pissing behind a tree while Maddy’s axe-murderer charged at her from the front. Dignified till the”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“Pip had always been so curious about what was back there, the sort of wonder that dies a little more each year you grow older.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“While some people might work in their bedrooms, I sleep in my workstation. It's very different.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“We're partners in crime after all. That means partners no matter what.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“you couldn’t help yourself, i’m ravishing. get it? ravi-shing. ravi singh.”
― Holly Jackson

“Would it hurt, or would it feel like relief, when the bullet finally split her open?”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“I wish someone like you had been there for me," Becca cried.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Yes she did,’ Red said, straightening up to look Oliver in the eye. ‘She did all of it. And I hope she dies on her knees, scared and alone, like she did to my mom.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“His fingers stalled. ‘I’m –’ ‘Please.’ Her throat clenched like it did before she cried, breaking her voice into a million little pieces. ‘Don’t make me do this again. Please. I can’t do this again.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“How did everything go with you?” Pip asked, leaning forward to press her forehead against his, in the way he always did to her. To take on half her headaches, or half her nerves, he said.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“destiny moves in mysterious ways, doesn’t it? Binding us together all the way back then.”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“You are the maximum amount of Pipness that any Pip could be. The Ultra-Pip. I’m going to introduce you to my family this weekend as Pippus Maximus”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“But if a villain can be made, then they can be unmade.”
― Holly Jackson

“Justice exists... Maybe not the kind that happens in police stations and courtrooms, but it does exist. And when you really think about it, those words - good and bad, right and wrong - they don't really matter in the real world. Who gets to decide what they mean: those people who just got it wrong...? No... I think we all get to decide what good and bad and right and wrong mean to us, not what we're told to accept.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“She hadn’t almost lost herself, maybe she’d actually been meeting herself for the very first time. And she was tired of feeling guilty about it. Tired of feeling shame about who she was.”
― Holly Jackson, Good Girl, Bad Blood

“Real shame was killing your mom and having to live with it, knowing that she died and the last thing you ever said to her was that you hated her. If Red survived that, she could survive this.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“But there was one final player in this story, Fairview, and it's us. Collectively, we turned a beautiful life into a myth of a monster. We turned a family home into a ghost home. And from now on we must do better.”
― Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

“Written on the sidewalk on my running route. ‘Dead Girl Walking.’ ”
― Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“Simon scoffed. ‘Sure, just a misunderstanding. There’s a sniper out there with a high-powered rifle and a laser sight who’s decided to use us as target practice. But yeah, just a misunder standing.’ He’d changed his tune.”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

“Was that fair? Maybe Red’s understanding of it was skewed, because it didn’t seem fair at all, her life in the hands of five other people. But when had life ever been fair to her, why should death be any different?”
― Holly Jackson, Five Survive

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