Writer / Novelist / Author Danielle L. Jensen



Born        Calgary, Canada
Genre      Romantic Fantasy
Language English

Danielle L. Jensen stands as a luminary figure in the realm of fantasy literature, enchanting readers with her masterful storytelling, vivid imagination, and complex characters. With a penchant for crafting immersive worlds and intricate plots, Jense...

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Best Quotes

"To be bound is a burden, but it is the actions we freely take that cause us the most pain."

~ Danielle L. Jensen

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Novelist Danielle L. Jensen Literary Background

Click read full biography below to jump straight to the bio/profile, or first browse through the questions people are generally asking about author Danielle L. Jensen

Where is author Danielle L. Jensen from? Where was she born and raised?

Danielle L. Jensen's was born and raised in, and also currently lives in, Calgary, Canada.

What is the literary background of Danielle L. Jensen?

Danielle L. Jensen graduated from the University of Calgary with a bachelor’s degree in finance, then went back to school to complete an English literature degree at Mount Royal University. Jensen is a woman who knows her craft, embracing the slow burn love affair to take the publishing world by storm. Not only did she burst onto the scene with the 2014 release of Stolen Songbird, the first novel in the best-selling Malediction trilogy, but her works have continued to inspire audiences with each subsequent release.

What are Danielle L. Jensen's primary genres of choice for writing?

Danielle L. Jensen is best known for her captivating fantasy novels, often blending elements of romance, adventure, and intrigue.

What other books and series has Danielle L. Jensen written?

Danielle L. Jensen has authored many novels, including Dark Shores, the "Malediction Trilogy" and Bridge Kingdom. Just scroll down and click on the button to see all Danielle L. Jensen books at one place.

Is there a way to read Danielle L. Jensen's books online?

It will be hard to find a way to read Danielle L. Jensen's books online, but there is a way to get it free. Click the button below to get one full month free reading/listening to this book (or literally any other new book written by any contemorary author). You will get unlimited free access to 180,000+ titles for a whole month, and then you can decide to either opt out or stick around if you find it useful.

What was Danielle L. Jensen's debut book?

Danielle L. Jensen's debut novel, Stolen Songbird, was a young adult fantasy romance, published April 1, 2014.

What is Danielle L. Jensen's newest/latest book?

Her latest novel is "A Fate Inked in Blood (Saga of the Unfated, #1)", published February 27, 2024.

How would one describe Danielle L. Jensen's writing style?

Jensen's writing style is characterized by its lush world-building, intricate plots, and well-developed characters. She excels in creating immersive fantasy realms filled with magic, mythical creatures, and political machinations. Her narratives are often driven by strong, determined protagonists who must navigate complex challenges and moral dilemmas.

What are Danielle L. Jensen's key literary awards, accolades, accomplishments?

Danielle L. Jensen is the USA Today bestselling author of The Malediction Trilogy: Stolen Songbird, Hidden Huntress, and Warrior Witch, and the Bridge Kingdom, Dark Shores, and Malediction series, as well as the Saga of the Unfated. Her novels are published internationally in fifteen languages.

Is Danielle L. Jensen active on social media or have a website?

You can connect with her via her website www.danielleljensen.com.

What is Danielle L. Jensen's next book?

We will update here as soon as some information is available on this.

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Danielle L. Jensen stands as a luminary figure in the realm of fantasy literature, enchanting readers with her masterful storytelling, vivid imagination, and complex characters. With a penchant for crafting immersive worlds and intricate plots, Jensen has carved out a niche for herself as a celebrated author whose works transcend genre boundaries and captivate audiences worldwide.

Born and raised in Calgary, Canada, Jensen's journey to literary acclaim was far from conventional. After earning a degree in finance, she embarked on a successful career in corporate finance, a path that seemed worlds away from the fantastical realms she would later bring to life on the page. However, her passion for storytelling never waned, and she soon found herself drawn back to the world of fiction, where she would ultimately make her mark as an author.

Jensen's debut novel, "Stolen Songbird," marked the beginning of her meteoric rise to prominence in the fantasy genre. Published in 2014, the book introduced readers to the captivating world of Trollus, a city trapped beneath a mountain and ruled by a tyrannical king. Filled with political intrigue, forbidden romance, and breathtaking magic, "Stolen Songbird" garnered widespread acclaim, earning Jensen a legion of devoted fans and establishing her as a formidable talent to watch.

Since then, Jensen has continued to enchant readers with a string of bestselling novels, including the "Malediction Trilogy" and the "Dark Shores" series. Known for her meticulous world-building, richly drawn characters, and gripping plots, Jensen's works have earned her accolades from critics and readers alike, cementing her status as one of the preeminent voices in contemporary fantasy literature.

In addition to her skill as a storyteller, Jensen is also celebrated for her commitment to diversity and inclusivity in literature. Through her writing, she strives to create worlds that reflect the rich tapestry of human experience, featuring characters of diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives. In doing so, she not only broadens the horizons of her readers but also fosters a sense of empathy and understanding that transcends the boundaries of fiction.

Now, with the release of her latest novel, "A Fate Inked in Blood," Jensen once again invites readers into a world of magic, mystery, and adventure. Set against the backdrop of a kingdom teetering on the brink of war, the book follows the journey of a young protagonist as she navigates treacherous political intrigues and discovers the true power of destiny.

As Danielle L. Jensen's literary journey continues to unfold, one thing remains abundantly clear: her passion for storytelling knows no bounds. With each new book, she invites readers to embark on a thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises. And as her legion of fans eagerly awaits her next masterpiece, one thing is certain: the world of fantasy literature is richer and more vibrant because of her contributions.

Danielle L. Jensen Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“I think it is our nature to believe evil always has an ugly face,” he said, ignoring my question. “Beauty is supposed to be good and kind, and to discover it otherwise is a betrayal of trust. A violation of the nature of things.”
― Danielle L. Jensen , Stolen Songbird

“Even if I'm a goddamned fool for it, there will never be anyone but you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“I cannot stop the world from moving. All I can do is be prepared for when it does.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Dying was and easy thing to accomplish, effortless in its agony. It was living that was hard, requiring endless toil and labor, and for all one's efforts, it could be stolen in an instant.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“They aren't ugly." I bit my lip, trying to find the right words. "more beautiful things that have had the misfortune of being broken.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Alive isn't living.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“This man might be a hunter. But he was mistaken if he believed she was prey.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Awake or asleep, all I see is your face. All I hear is your voice. All I feel is you in my arms. All I want is you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“I wish I was not who I am. I wish I had met you in different circumstances, in a place far away from here, where there was no magic, politics and deception. Somewhere where things could be different between us. I wish I was someone else. But I am what and who I am, and all the wishes in the world will not change that.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“To be bound is a burden, but it is the actions we freely take that cause us the most pain.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Since the moment I set eyes on you in Southwatch, there's been no one but you. Even if I'm a goddamned fool for it, there will never be anyone but you." You are a fool, she thought as darkness took her. And that made two of them.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“You are my goddamned damnation, but there will never be anyone but you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“I think it is in our nature to be selfish, and in our capacity to do a great many evil things.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“I love you," he said, his lips grazing against hers. "And I will love you, no matter what the future brings. No matter how hard I need to fight. I will always love you." The words undid her, broke her apart completely, then forged her into something new. Something stronger. Something better.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Now that your speech impediment has been rectified, perhaps you might say something. It would be best if it were humorous. I enjoy a good jest.' 'You are dreadfully rude,' I said to him. He sighed. 'That wasn't the slightest bit funny.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Why?” I slammed my fists down on the table. “Why can’t you believe me? Why don’t you trust me?” “Because you’re human, Cécile. You can lie, even to yourself.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“I cringed, though; for as much as I did not want to marry a troll, I was just as certain the troll didn’t want to marry me.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Behind my closed lids, my eyes stung, and I bit my lip. Tristan stroked my hair and I opened my eyes, staring into his soul, which was filled with all the sympathy, sorrow, and longing that I felt in my heart. For what I had lost. For what he had never had. And for what he never would have, if I did what he'd asked and abandoned my quest to break the curse. "I love you, Cécile," he said, and my breath caught. It was one thing to feel it, and quite another to hear the words from his lips.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Hmmm,' the King said, making a face. 'I'm not sure this is what we bargained for, boy. We expected the girl to be attractive.' If I hadn't been so terrified, I would have been insulted.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“But in his heart, he knew that even if he never saw her again for the rest of his life, it would never be over. She would always be his queen.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“Aren't we bold now that we believe we are untouchable.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Eyes of blue and hair of fire Are the keys to your desire. Angel's voice and will of steel Shall force the dark witch to kneel. Death to bind and bind to break Sun and moon for all our sake. Prince of night, daughter of day, Bound as one the witch they'll slay. Same hour they their first breath drew, On her last, the witch will rue. Join the two named in this verse And see the end of the curse.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“I'm fine Aren." "I know you are. And I know you can do it yourself. But let me do it for you anyway.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“Go!" He shouted the word at her, leveling the arrow at her forehead even as tears poured down his cheeks. "I never want to see your face. I never want to hear your name. If there were a way to scour you from my life, I'd do it. But until I find the strength to put you in a goddamned grave, this is all I have. Now run!" His fingers quivered on the bowstring. He would do it. And it would kill him.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Beauty can be created, knowledge learned, but talent can neither be purchased nor taught.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Actions speak louder than words”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Forgive her. She loves you." He dropped the old woman's arm, feeling Lara's gaze on him. Knowing she was listening. "She doesn't know what love is." "That's why you should forgive her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“You looked ridiculous walking around the city carrying an empty wineglass. I don't care to be associated with a drunk. Particularly one who damages glassware.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“If I am distracted, it is your fault. You have been my undoing since the day we met.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“Kings and queens make decisions, but it is the common folk who pay the price.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“I should have made you go when I had the chance.” “It wasn’t your decision to make.” I kissed him hard, clinging to him with what little strength I had left. “I would never choose to leave you.” “Isn’t that what dying means?” Bitterness echoed through me. “Leaving?”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“forgive her. She loves you." He dropped the old woman's arm, feeling Lara's gaze on him. Knowing she was listening. "she doesn't know what love is." "That's why you should forgive her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“Tristan?” He turned his face to me, and it was streaked with tears. I wanted to wipe them away, tell him that everything would be all right, but my body was locked stiff with pain. “Promise me you’ll get better,” he whispered. “Tell me you’ll grow strong again. That you’ll gallop on horseback through summer meadows. Dance in spring rains and let snowflakes melt on your tongue in winter. That you’ll travel wherever the wind takes you. That you’ll live.” He stroked my hair. “Promise me.” Confusion crept over me. “You’ll be with me, though. You’ll do those things too?” He kissed my lips, silencing my questions. “Promise me.” “No,” I said, struggling against him.. “No, you said you were coming with me. You said. You promised.” He had to be coming with me - he said he was and Tristan couldn’t lie. Wouldn’t lie. He got to his feet and stepped into the water. I tried to struggle, but he was too strong. “Tristian, no, no, no!” I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I tried to hold on to him, but my fingers wouldn’t work. The cold of the water bit into my skin and I sobbed, terrified. “You said you would never leave me!” He stopped, the weight of his sorrow greater than any mountain.

“And if I had the choice, I never would. I love you, Cécile. I will love you until the day I take my last breath and that is the truth. “ He kissed me hard. “Forgive me.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Sometimes, one must do the unthinkable," I said, "for it is the only way to accomplish the impossible.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“They changed the way I thought - once I could read, especially, it seemed the world grew in leaps and bounds with every passing day. There was so much I wanted to talk about, but no one wanted to listen”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Here lay the gateway between worlds, the divide between reality and fantasy. A dream or, depending on who waited, a nightmare.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“I’d admired him, and yes, lusted after him, but then I’d fallen. Fallen for a man who felt too much and took on too much, who believed if only he worked tirelessly and ceaselessly enough, that he could improve the lives of an entire race of people. And I’d had that depth of passion turned on me – seen it in his eyes, felt it in my heart. He loved me, and I loved him. And I’d love him as long as I lived, and if my soul endured, I’d love him for eternity”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“She was everything. Mind, body, and soul, she was everything he wanted. Everything he needed. The queen Ithicana needed.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“Its in your nature to survive”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“She was right, and he knew it. But in his heart, he knew that even if he never saw her again for the rest of his life, it would never be over. She would always be his queen.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“I heard you call my name," she whispered. "I heard you order me to fight." "First damned time you ever listened." She smiled, but sadness swelled in her chest. "Don't get used to it.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“wishes were the dreams of fools”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“If I’m going to be ruled by a high-minded pretty-faced troll, it might as well be you.” “I’m glad to hear it,” I said, trying not to smile. “Who knows what would happen to my ego if you decided to abandon me.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“A lifetime wouldn't be enough. Eternity wouldn't be enough. Not when I want to map every star in the sky with you in my arms.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Inadequate Heir

“We can save the naked sprints for storm season. It’s far more exciting if there’s lightning biting at your ass.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“It was almost habit now for me to seek her out whenever I heard her singing - her voice was my only respite. The one moment in the day when I allowed myself to forget the growing pressures of my life. The one moment when I allowed myself to forget who I was.”
― Danielle L. Jensen

“Pointed teeth would give one an appearance of ferocity," he said, tapping a straight white tooth. "Although that might require one to follow through with biting someone from time to time, and the thought is enough to make one feel ill. I don't even my meat cooked rare.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“It seems to me, that no matter what we do, no matter what choices we make, there isn’t a happy ending waiting for us at the end of the long road.”

“But that doesn’t mean we give up. It doesn’t mean we stop fighting.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“Loved. Past tense. Because she’d never deserved his love, and now she’d lost it for good.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“There was, Aren thought, nothing the Great Beyond could offer that would be more perfect than her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“She was so painfully beautiful, and even knowing that she'd used it against him didn't lessen how powerfully he was drawn to her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“I swore to fight by your side, to defend you to my dying breath, to cherish your body and none other, and to be loyal to you as long as I live.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“All she had ever known was violence. It was nothing to her. And everything.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“There are as many paths as there are travelers.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“Why we tie our fate so closely to one person that everything we are, everything we do, hangs upon them. It seems a cruel thing that we lose not only the one we love most, but also the opportunity to endure.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“Even though I’d been terrified and in pain, I’d thought he was handsome. Except that wasn’t even a strong enough word: he was beautiful in a way that was almost painful. Flawless in a way that seemed surreal, a figment of imagination. So perfect, it was off-putting, because while it was something that could be worshipped, it wasn’t something that could be touched or loved. He’d been snide, nasty, and wicked, and I’d loathed him. Except even then I’d sensed something wasn’t right, that there was a mismatch between what I was seeing and hearing and what I felt. It was this mismatch that made him captivating, and even as I was grasping for ways to escape, the need to know more about him had lurked in my heart.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“I was afraid... I am afraid of loving you, knowing that someday you will go and leave me here.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“How am I supposed to get back to shore?” “You have a paddle,” he shouted back, a wild grin on his face as the wind caught at his hair. “Use it!”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Sometimes, what we are looking for is right in front of us, but more often, I think, one must look long and hard, for she will not reveal herself so easily.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“She had a way of getting people to talk that I didn’t. She was empathetic. I was… judgmental.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“If the story of your life were a book, I’d carry it with me across the world. I’d read it every night. And whenever I reached the ending of what had been shared with me, I’d open it to the first page and begin reading it again.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Gilded Serpent

“Given the choice between one lifetime spent with you or a thousand without, I will always choose you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Given the choice between one lifetime spent with you or a thousand without, I will always choose you.” I”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Warrior Witch

“No one can predict the future, Your Grace. Fate favors the strong. God rewards the good. And the stars never abandon those who dream of more.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Inadequate Heir

“Just because you can't do something doesn't make it impossible.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“This was how it was supposed to feel. standing on a cliff high above a turquoise sea, terrified to jump but desperate for the thrill of the fall.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“I don't know if what's left of me is worth anything, whether it is enough, but it's yours.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“More beautiful things that have had the misfortune of being broken.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Trusting you was my mistake. Loving you was my mistake.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“And do us all a favor and keep your cock in your trousers and your eyes on the enemy for the rest of War Tides.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Being around you was the sweetest torture. I wanted to touch you, hold you, kiss you. I wanted all of you.” His shoulders slumped. “But I was afraid of what would happen if I gave in my desire. If I let myself love you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“There was something about her. Something that had spoken to his soul in a way no other woman he'd met ever had.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“History told through faces and cloathing, the skill of the artist whispering a story with oil and brush”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Hidden Huntress

“I will be at your back until I cross the threshold to Valhalla, Born-in-Fire, whether you want me there or not.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood

“You are mine, Born-in-Fire. Even if only the two of us know it.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood

“It is hard to keep one's wits when faced with a woman as beautiful as the sight of shore to a man who has been lost at sea.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood

“I wanted you the moment I first set eyes on you. I wanted you in Fjalltindr. I want you now, and tomorrow, and all the tomorrows, Freya.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood

“His smile was more of a grimace, but he nodded. "A life without purpose is no life at all. The fight to make our world a place worth living was everything to Élise, but she didn't get to see it through. I'll do this for her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Warrior Witch

“I am used to it. But that doesn’t mean I have to it.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Given the choice between one lifetime spent with you or a thousand without. I will always choose you. I took a deep breath. That is, if you still want me. She didn't turn, keep her back to me and didn't answer, But this was what made the bond between us worth every risk - she didn't need to say anything at all. Slowly, she stretched her arm back, palm open, and I took it.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Warrior Witch

“There would be no happily-ever-after. Not for her.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom

“Peace is a dance. It only works if both partners are listening to the same music.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Inadequate Heir

“I do want to remake the world so that I can be with you. So that I can get down on my knees and ask you to be my wife. So that I can put a crown on your head and make you my queen. So I can build a shrine and worship you as my goddess. I want all of these things, yet I face a future with none of them, and I don't know whether I want to fall on my own blade or burn everything to ash because I do not want to let you go.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Inadequate Heir

“Not all scars we earn are skin-deep, Freya Born-in-Fire. There is no less honor in them.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood

“To be good is to recognize the darkness in one’s character and strive to remedy it. And if such a thing is not possible, to control it so that it does not harm others.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Gilded Serpent

“Awake or asleep, all I see is your face. All I hear is your voice. All I feel is you in my arms. All I want is you.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, The Traitor Queen

“It was all shades of grey: moral justification for immoral ends. A good man pushed into the role of a villain - not just for the sake of his own survival, but for that of his men.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“Love makes men into fools.”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores

“anyone who smiled all the time clearly suffered from a mental imbalance”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

“Tale as old as time,”
― Danielle L. Jensen, Stolen Songbird

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