Writer / Novelist / Author Amy Tintera



Born        Private
Genre      Young Adult Fiction
Language English

Amy Tintera, a prominent voice in the realm of young adult fiction, has captivated readers with her thrilling narratives and dynamic characters. Born and raised in Texas, Tintera's journey into the world of writing began at a young age, inspired by h...

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Best Quotes

"Do that thing where you look blank, like you have no feelings at all.I think that's just my face."

~ Amy Tintera

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Novelist Amy Tintera Literary Background

Click read full biography below to jump straight to the bio/profile, or first browse through the questions people are generally asking about author Amy Tintera

Where is author Amy Tintera from? Where was she born and raised?

Amy Tintera was born and raised in Austin, Texas, and now lives in Los Angeles.

What is the literary background of Amy Tintera?

Amy Tintera was around ten or eleven when she wrote my first book, and she had six novels finished by the time she graduated high school. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Texas A&M and a master’s degree in media arts/screenwriting from Emerson College. She worked as a talent agency assistant in Hollywood before becoming an author.

What are Amy Tintera's primary genres of choice for writing?

Amy Tintera is primarily known for her work in young adult fiction, particularly in the genres of science fiction and fantasy. Raised in Austin, Texas, she frequently sets her novels in the Lone Star state.

What other books and series has Amy Tintera written?

Amy Tintera has authored many novels, including Reboot, Ruined, The Q, and All These Monsters. Just scroll down and click on the button to see all Amy Tintera books at one place.

Is there a way to read Amy Tintera's books online?

It will be hard to find a way to read Amy Tintera's books online, but there is a way to get it free. Click the button below to get one full month free reading/listening to this book (or literally any other new book written by any contemorary author). You will get unlimited free access to 180,000+ titles for a whole month, and then you can decide to either opt out or stick around if you find it useful.

What was Amy Tintera's debut book?

Amy Tintera's debut novel, Reboot, was a romantic fantasy, published May 7, 2013.

What is Amy Tintera's newest/latest book?

Her latest novel is "Listen for the Lie", published March 5, 2024.

How would one describe Amy Tintera's writing style?

Amy Tintera's writing style is often characterized by fast-paced narratives, intricate world-building, and strong character development. She tends to create dynamic and relatable protagonists who face complex challenges and grow throughout the story. Dialogue plays a significant role in her works, often contributing to the development of relationships and driving the plot forward. In terms of themes, Tintera's stories often explore topics such as identity, empowerment, and the consequences of choice. She infuses her narratives with elements of adventure and suspense, keeping readers engaged from beginning to end.

What are Amy Tintera's key literary awards, accolades, accomplishments?

Amy Tintera is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels for young adults. Her novels have been translated into 16 languages and sold into more than 20 territories. Listen for the Lie, wqhich is her adult debut, was an instant New York Times Bestseller and a Good Morning America Book Club pick.

Is Amy Tintera active on social media or have a website?

You can connect with her via her website www.aamytintera.com.

What is Amy Tintera's next book?

We will update here as soon as some information is available on this.

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Amy Tintera, a prominent voice in the realm of young adult fiction, has captivated readers with her thrilling narratives and dynamic characters. Born and raised in Texas, Tintera's journey into the world of writing began at a young age, inspired by her love for storytelling and a vivid imagination.

With a background in journalism and a passion for storytelling, Tintera embarked on her writing career, debuting with her novel "Reboot" in 2013. The novel, set in a dystopian world where teenagers are brought back to life as soldiers, received widespread acclaim for its gripping plot, fast-paced action, and thought-provoking themes.

However, it was Tintera's latest release, "Listen for the Lie," that solidified her reputation as a master of suspense and intrigue. The novel follows the story of a teenage girl with the ability to detect lies, who finds herself embroiled in a dangerous game of deception and betrayal.

Tintera's skillful blend of mystery, romance, and psychological tension keeps readers guessing until the very end, earning the novel rave reviews and a devoted following of fans.

Tintera's writing style is characterized by its sharp dialogue, intricate plotting, and compelling characters who grapple with moral dilemmas and existential questions. Her ability to create complex, multi-dimensional characters and immerse readers in richly drawn worlds sets her apart as a storyteller to watch.

Readers are drawn to Tintera's novels for their thrilling plots, relatable characters, and thought-provoking themes. Whether it's the pulse-pounding action scenes, the tender moments of romance, or the psychological depth of her characters, Tintera's books offer something for everyone, from adrenaline-fueled adventure to heart-wrenching drama.

While "Listen for the Lie" is Tintera's most recent release, she is also known for her "Reboot" series and the "Ruined" trilogy, both of which have garnered critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. Her ability to seamlessly blend elements of science fiction, fantasy, and romance into gripping narratives has earned her a reputation as one of the most exciting voices in young adult fiction today.

In addition to her literary accomplishments, Tintera has been recognized for her contributions to the genre, receiving nominations for prestigious awards such as the Goodreads Choice Awards and the Teen Choice Book Awards.

For those looking for an escape into a world of intrigue, adventure, and romance, Tintera's novels are a must-read. Whether you're a fan of dystopian fiction, fantasy, or contemporary romance, Tintera's books offer something for everyone, with their compelling characters, gripping plots, and thought-provoking themes.

As for upcoming projects, fans of Tintera's work can look forward to her next novel, slated for release later this year. While details remain under wraps, anticipation is high for another thrilling adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Amy Tintera Best Quotes

Best Quotes

“I think people immediately assumed I was yours so they stayed far away.' He met my eyes and smiled. 'I was. I am.' He leaned forward and brushed his lips to mine. 'Yours.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Do that thing where you look blank, like you have no feelings at all.I think that's just my face.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“He turned to me. His expression was serious, but I liked how it softened slightly when he looked at me. Like the way he looked at me was different from how he looked at everyone else.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Are we going to do my leg next?" he asked. "Can I get some warning next time? A quick 'Hey I'm going to snap your bone with my bare hands right now. Brace yourself.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“He had been willing to die because he refused to take a life.But me, I contemplated shooting everyone.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Want to dance?" He scooped me into his arms before I could reply. "We have music this time. And I don't have to punch you when we finish.""You don't have to. But if I step on your feet too many times you can feel free.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Want to dance? We have music this time. And I don't have to punch you when we finish.” ― Amy Tintera

“Humans had a brightness to them, a glow that only death extinguished.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Kind, reasonable, thoughtful. It wasn't 'love' or an admission of wild, passionate feelings, but he realized he liked her three words more. 'Love' would have been easy, another easy lie in a long line of lies. 'Love' would be easy to dismiss.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“It was true that all Reboots were attractive, in a way. After death, when the virus took hold and the body Rebooted, the skin cleared, the body sharpened, the eyes glowed. It was like pretty with a hint of deranged.Although my hint was more like a generous serving.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I need you to be better, I said."You're really not concerned about him eating me? he asked, holding his arm out again.It'll grow back in a minute."That's totally not the point. I'm traumatized.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Hey, nice landing! Addie called, and I turned to see her standing next to her shuttle, grinning."I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "They're all still alive!"Sort of a low bar you set for yourself, huh? Beth asked, playfully punching my shoulder as I helped her out of the shuttle.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Don’t make me punch you anymore, okay?” he whispered.I nodded, opening my eyes.“You have to punch other people, though.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Try not to scream when I break your bones. It bothers me. You can cry if you want; that's fine."He burst out laughing. I didn't realize that was a funny statement.Got it, he said, trying unsuccessful to cover his grin. "Screaming, no. Crying, yes”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I still have the scars from when they captured me and beat me in the middle of the street."You don't get scars."Emotional scars then.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Of course I wasn't pretending!” The words exploded out of her before she could stop them. Heat spread across her cheeks.Cas's mouth had been open, ready with a reply, and he snapped it shut.She cleared her throat. She'd already embarrassed herself horribly, might as well finish it off. “I fully intended to ignore you, but it turns out you're very hard to ignore. I never pretended to feel anything for you, Cas. All of that was real, and definitely never part of the plan. And I should have...” A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed, her voice shaking. “I should have warned you about the attack. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Maybe you need to take a look at who I am, instead of who you wish I were.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“The memory of how he felt when he cared about her was going to be the most painful thing after he began to hate her.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Her smile faded to a more serious expression. Is everything okay? With Callum?"""Fine, I said, taking a bite of meat and avoiding her eyes.He's crazy about you, you know, she said softly, like I hadn't just told her things were fine. "I see other girls looking at him sometimes, and he doesn't even notice. He only sees you.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“You were born useless, but you dont have to be helpless”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“You could've at least let me know you weren't dead by the way. I was actually kind of sad about that.""That's a pretty incredible sentiment, coming from you.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Sex and love went together. Not here. The teenage hormones were still here, but the feelings were gone.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Thank you,” he said when he released me. “For coming with me. For not giving me shit about wanting to see my parents.” “I have most definitely given you shit.” “Then thank you for giving me minimal shit.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I sort of liked the sound of bones breaking. It was like home.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“You have to wait for me. I'm leading."Why are you leading?Because you have no idea what you're doing."Fair enough.” ― Amy Tintera

“I stayed awake and kept watch. Plus you look all cute and nonlethal when you sleep.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Maybe ‘coincidence’ is another word for fate.”
― Amy Tintera, Avenged

“You underestimate yourself if you think any woman would have to pretend to have feelings for you.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Why is everyone hugging you? I asked.I don't know. I'm likeable?”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“You're not who I thought you'd be, Cas."No?"Your so much better.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Fine,” I said, holding my gun out. I didn’t need it anyway. With the way the guy was shaking, I could take his gun, break his neck, and dance on the body in two seconds flat.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Do that thing where you look blank, like you have no feelings at all.” “I think that’s just my face.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“He would save her again, and again, no matter how angry he was with her. “Can”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Only for a minute. I'll be right back. He plopped the baby in her lap and hopped to his feet. Wren held her at arm's length and frowned. She did not appreciate that, because she immediately began wailing."Here, Wren said, thrusting her in my direction. "Take the mutant baby.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“the only way to find peace was to kill everyone who threatened it.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“You smell so good,"No, I don't, I smell like death.You're crazy, you're not dead. You do not smell like death.I was dead a long time."And now you're not. Hence the alive smell.” ― Amy Tintera

“I plan, you do the punching people in the face part.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“I certainly have never had to pretend to be weak. But your mother is right. There's a benefit to being underestimated.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“hadn’t been expecting a thank-you. I wasn’t even sure why I’d done it. I supposed he was my favorite HARC officer, but that was a bit like having a favorite vegetable. They were all pretty uninteresting.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“A human would lie on the ground sobbing. A Reboot didn’t acknowledge pain.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I probably love you,” she said. I let out a surprised laugh. “Probably?” She laced our fingers together and tugged me toward the shuttle, glancing over her shoulder. “Probably. It’s hard to tell with me, you know?” I laughed again. “I probably love you, too.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“I think people immediately assumed I was yours so they stayed far away.” He met my eyes and smiled. “I was. I am.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips to mine. “Yours.”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“You have a tendency to see the good in people, and I admire that, but it will destroy you. I promise you it will.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“Some of the Reboots were gazing at her with such awe and excitement that I wanted to slap them and tell them to stop being weird.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Some people will never believe you no matter how hard you explain yourself. Trust me, there's no pleasing people. If they're determined to think the worst of you, they will.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“The truth doesn't matter if you fight back.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“And people hate that quality in a young woman, don’t they? They don’t know what to do with a girl who isn’t looking for their approval. They feel like they have to bring her down a peg.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“Always assume everyone is lying. Don’t trust anyone, except those closest to you.”
― Amy Tintera, Ruined

“It was a real dick move on Grandma’s part to be born in August.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“Now I was only confused as to why a person would want to kiss anyone but Callum. When he lifted his head from mine I”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“There comes a time when we have to accept that people make their own choices, and we’re not responsible for those choices, even if they’re our family.”
― Amy Tintera, Allied

“He made disgusted noises every time I touched him, so I fell entirely against him. He yelled and I ended up on the floor. It was not my most well-thought-out plan.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“She was a real no-nonsense girl. Just didn’t have time for any shit, you know? I’ve always admired that about her. I was so concerned with whether or not everyone liked me at that age.And people hate that quality in a young woman, don’t they? They don’t know what to do with a girl who isn’t looking for their approval. They feel like they have to bring her down a peg.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“People don’t believe women who fight back. When a man lashes out, people say he’s lost control of his temper or made a terrible mistake. When a woman does it, she’s a psychopath.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“You don't owe anyone your whole story.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“I think my wearing a paper-bag dress will actually attract more stares he said dryly”"
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“you can sleep on me anytime you want”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“the idea was so ridiculous I almost laughed”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I forgot to breathe for a moment when our eyes met and his lips curved up”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“it felt like someone was standing on my chest”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“maybe I have a smaller shirt you can wear", Callum said , hopping off the bed and striding across the room to his closet . "something from when I was four or so”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“you're so short " he said , I looked up to see a smile twitching at his lips. It was an obvious statement, but I smiled anyway . "I've noticed”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I had to admire his ability to keep that smile on his face, even when things sucked”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“I'm glad you're here" he said sleepily in my ear .where else would I be ? I asked with a laugh. He placed his palm flat against my back , sending shivers down my spine "Nowhere, I just thought you should know, I'm always happy you're here”
― Amy Tintera, Reboot

“Wonderful, that was just what I needed . More problems”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Wren was silent.She stood completely still next to me, staring straight ahead with that look she got sometimes, like she was either happy or plotting to kill someone. Either way, I loved that look.”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“You HARC people are seriously messed up , huh ?"Probably I said with a hint of amusement.What's it like there ?Being in the facility isn't so bad, I got beat up a lot the first couple of days, but then that stopped and it was just Wren kicking the crap out of me and that was sort of fun He gave me a baffled look "Seriously messed up. All of you”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“if they killed me, I was coming back from the dead ( again) to hunt down the human rebels who told us about this reservation”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Okay, maybe I was slightly jealous. She'd looked at me like I was an alien at first, too, but now I was pretty sure she liked me. Well, more than pretty sure. Mostly sure. As close as you can get to sure without being totally sure. She ad left her 'home' (priosn) for me, and then risked her life and took down an entire HARC facility to save me. I tought that was like Wren's version of 'I'm totally into you.' I'd take it”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Sometimes I think about the fact that the twenty-two- year-old version of me would be absolutely horrified by almost-thirty me.”
― Amy Tintera, Listen for the Lie

“you're going to want to get out of my way”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“the pain was reaching a scream-worthy level , which must have meant I was about to start healing”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“you kinda bring trouble with you”
― Amy Tintera, Rebel

“Have you ever been shot ?" David asked, continuing his endless stream of questions. Yes. A lot actually Stabbed.
― Amy Tintera

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